EU projects
In response to the significant increase in passenger traffic on Kraków Airport in the first decade of the 21st century, the dynamics of which also continued in 2011-2019, in order to meet the growing demand for an infrastructure making it possible to serve all passengers and all aircraft using Kraków Airport, an investment process is gradually implemented, often in cooperation with third-party investors, including in particular the Polish Air Navigation Agency and the Municipal Water Supplies and Sewage Works.
Kraków Airport is developing also thanks to European Union funds. The history of those projects dates back to 2005, when a project co-financed by the Schengen Fund was launched to adapt the airport to the challenges we faced after Poland’s accession to the European Union. In the following years, the number of subsidised projects gradually increased and we have recently implemented or are implementing 9 projects for a total grant amount of over PLN 340 million. We benefit from support provided by national institutions managing Community funds, as well as directly from the European Commission. The scope of the projects covers most of the aspects faced by an airport operator, from the planning and design phase, through the purchase of infrastructure maintenance equipment, the purchase of security equipment and systems, to the construction of airport and airport-related infrastructure.