With the arrival of the long-awaited warmth and gradually loosening restrictions, thirsting for space and fresh air, we are eager to go outdoors to explore new, undiscovered places.
The InfoKraków Municipal Tourist Information Network, operated by the KBF, has been publishing ideas for cycling and hiking trips in its social media for several months. It is worth following their trail.
By bike…
“Through(out) Info” ((W)koło Info) is a series of posts on the InfoKraków Facebook profile, which propose extraordinary bicycle trips. Among them, in addition to the well-known routes – such as the trail to Ojców National Park, there are also less recognizable ones, e.g. the route around Skawina. The addressees of these proposals are both people starting their adventure with tourism on two wheels, as well as intermediate cyclists. What’s more, the proposed routes have been previously checked by InfoKraków’s employees, who test the trails in terms of attractiveness of tourist trails and level of difficulty. The routes run through roads that can be used by both a trekking bike and a bike with a trailer. Particularly noteworthy are trails devoted to the cultural heritage of Kraków and the surrounding area, such as historical micro-tours along the trail of municipal engineering monuments or a trip following the flood plaques.
… i pieszo
“Szlak by to! Podkrakowskie Infoprzechadzki” to osobny cykl postów regularnie publikowanych na mediach społecznościowych InfoKraków i jest to seria poświęcona turystyce pieszej, dzięki której można odkryć miejsca dotąd nieznane, poznać lokalne atrakcje, historię i walory przyrodnicze. Podobnie jak w przypadku serii rowerowej, każdy wpis z konkretną wycieczką poprzedzony jest kwerendą, czyli osobistym przejściem trasy i jej oceną. Efektem takich testów są szczegółowe opisy, niekiedy bardzo cenne dla początkujących piechurów. Wytyczane spacery prowadzą głównie przez tereny podmiejskie, jednak znajdą się i takie niewychodzące poza granice miasta. Część tras to autorskie kompilacje szlaków PTTK oraz ścieżek wytyczanych zupełnie na nowo. Przed wyruszeniem w trasę warto poświęcić kilka chwil na dokładne przestudiowanie mapy, do której link zawsze znajduje się na końcu postu.
…and on foot
“Course it! Infoprzechadzki near Krakow” (Szlak by to! Podkrakowskie Infoprzechadzki) is a separate series of posts regularly published on the InfoKraków social media devoted to hiking, thanks to which you can discover previously unknown places, learn about local attractions, history and natural values. As in the case of the bicycle series, each post with a specific trip is preceded by a query, i.e. a personal passage of the route and its evaluation. The result of such tests are detailed descriptions, sometimes very valuable for novice hikers. Although the marked-out trails lead mainly through the suburbs, there are also trails that do not go beyond the city limits. Some of the routes are proprietary compilations of PTTK trails and completely new paths. Before setting off on a tour, it is worth spending a few moments to carefully study the map, the link to which is always at the end of the post.
By bike around the Skawina commune
There are several ways to get to this city near Kraków – by bike, i.e. the route through Ruczaj, Kobierzyn and Spacerowa Street, or by MPK bus, lines 213, 253, 263 or 283 from the Czerwone Maki loop. Skawina is a town founded by Casimir III the Great, and its main attractions are the churches of St. Jude and St. Thaddeus, the city park and the building of the former synagogue.
At the Market Square in Skawina, you can refresh yourself with ice cream and lemonade, then move on to the south to Radziszów and further to Jurczyce. From Radziszów, you can encounter numerous hills and driveways on the route. When you get to Krzęcin, it is worth seeing the church of Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which is a high-class monument of wooden architecture from 1589.
The marked-out route continues towards Sosnowice – here you turn north and after passing Wielkie Drogi, you will reach the Łączany-Skawina canal, along which a new bicycle route is under construction – you can follow its progress on Velo Małopolska and Rowerowa Skawina. Right behind the canal, you can set off the Vistula Cycling Route, which will lead you through Facimiech, Ochodza and back to Skawina, Tyniec and Kraków.