All Business zoneGood practiceBusiness news

Airport Flash Plany rozwoju Kraków Airport

Kraków Airport nieustannie rozwija się, aby sprostać rosnącym wymaganiom pasażerów i przewoźników. Naszym celem jest zapewnienie...

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13.02.2025 | 128

Business news Business? Only in Malopolska

Małopolska is not only one of Poland's most beautiful regions, but it is also a strong economic hub and an excellent place for business...

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18.11.2024 | 244


Małopolska is not only one of Poland's most beautiful regions, but it is also a strong economic hub and an excellent place for business...

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06.08.2024 | 1245

Business zone The CUT – school of the future. Study in Kraków

The Cracow University of Technology is one of the best universities in Poland and is gaining a reputation worldwide. The modern study programme...

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24.01.2023 | 2965

Business zone The AGH University of Science and Technology – study in Kraków

The AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków is one of the best Polish technical universities. Established in 1913 by decree of...

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04.01.2023 | 5903

Airport Flash Cargo terminal – Kraków Airport new investment

A contract for constructing a new cargo terminal and associated facilities and infrastructure at Balice International Airport was signed in...

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22.11.2022 | 3397

Business zone Cracow University of Economics – study in Kraków

Study in Kraków. Kraków is becoming more and more attractive place on the world map of universities. Cracow University of Economics is the...

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19.07.2022 | 5644

Good practice Kraków Airport with aid for Ukraine

The information about the Russian invasion of the territory of Ukraine encouraged Kraków Airport employees, together with the management and...

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05.07.2022 | 3789

Good practice How to travel responsibly

As defined by the World Tourism Organization, sustainable tourism considers present and future economic impacts, social and environmental...

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26.05.2022 | 2845

Business news Let’s talk about cities

"Transforming our cities for a better urban future" is the slogan of the WUF11 World Urban Forum, which will take place in Katowice at the end...

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06.06.2022 | 2187

Business zone Study in Kraków – Jagiellonian University

Jagiellonian University is one of the oldest universities in the world. Founded in 1364, it has constantly been developing, gaining the interest ...

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16.05.2022 | 3709

Business zone Future of polish industry

Żyjemy w trakcie czwartej rewolucji przemysłowej, nazywanej Przemysłem 4.0, która bazuje na automatyzacji i komputeryzacji. Z „Radaru...

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21.03.2022 | 2459

Business news Feast of meetings

The 61st Congress of the International Association of Congresses and Conventions will be held in Krakow. The capital of Malopolska competed with ...

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21.03.2022 | 1399

Good practice EXPO 2020 for a common future

Connecting Minds, Creating the Future – this is the motto of the global Expo, which is held in Dubai this year. Over 190 countries present the ...

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10.12.2021 | 2591

Business zone Kraków in a good climate

Ecology has been a priority for the Kraków authorities for years. The main goal is to reduce air pollution and achieve sustainable development...

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30.11.2021 | 2607

Good practice Fly aware

Climate change is no longer a theory but a real threat and an urgent challenge that we must all face. That is why global airlines and airports,...

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10.11.2021 | 2314

Business zone Virtual supports real

The pandemic and the related lockdown has hit the world economy with the force of a battering ram. Tourism was one of the industries that was...

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21.10.2021 | 2641

Business news The meeting indistry is alive!

2020 was an exceptional time for the meetings industry. The congresses, conferences and other events planned many years in advance were...

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13.10.2021 | 1556


As urbanization progresses and over a half of the global population and three-quarters of the European Union’s population live in urban...

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01.10.2021 | 4122

Business news Kraków the best for city break

The Times magazine published a ranking of the best cities for city break. One of the distinguished destinations turned out to be...

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13.09.2021 | 1840

Good practice Responsible Business Forum report for 2020

Raport Forum Odpowiedzialnego Biznesu jest największym w Polsce przeglądem najlepszych praktyk CSR wydawanym od 2002 roku. Choć 19. edycja...

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27.07.2021 | 2453

Business zone Innowacje w turystyce

Turystyka to branża, która chętnie implementuje wszelkie technologiczne innowacje. Podróżnika z kompasem i papierową mapą szybko więc...

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01.06.2021 | 6786

Good practice Krakow’s tourism strategy: quality over quantity.

Kraków's sustainable tourism policy that takes into account economic, social and environmental aspects - that is the long-term strategy adopted ...

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25.05.2021 | 7247

Business news Support for tourism

"Małopolska as a destination" is a new campaign organized in cooperation with the Małopolska Tourist Organization. In 2022, it will promote...

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13.05.2021 | 2398

Good practice Kraków treasures and holds water dear!

Kraków successfully manages water resources! The high, fourth place in this year's Water City Index (WCI) ranking clearly shows that the...

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05.02.2021 | 5476


Kraków Airport has been operating in the field of corporate social responsibility for many years. It is the first regional airport in Poland...

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21.01.2021 | 4648

Business news Biurowce w Krakowie

Rok 2020 stanowi wyzwanie dla całej gospodarki w tym i sektora biurowego. Jak wygląda sytuacja Krakowa na tle polskiego rynku biurowego na...

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14.12.2020 | 2305

Business news Kraków ma plan – rekordowy budżet 2021

Pomimo trwającej epidemii, która odbije się na dochodach, miasto nie zamierza zwalniać i w przyszłym roku zrealizuje kilkaset zadań...

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14.12.2020 | 2321

Good practice Sustainable traveling

What will traveling after the pandemic look like? Will the tourism market become more environmentally and socially responsible? Experts from...

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19.11.2020 | 2828

Business zone Turystyka 2020 i co dalej?

Do niedawna przyszłość branży turystycznej w Polsce rysowała się w jasnych barwach. W ostatnich latach sektor ten przeżywał prawdziwy...

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16.11.2020 | 4897

Business zone Ekonomiczne skutki pandemii COVID-19 dla lotnictwa

Międzynarodowe Stowarzyszenie Transportu Lotniczego (IATA) opublikowało światowe dane na temat wpływu pandemii na przemysł lotniczy. Ocenia ...

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12.11.2020 | 9954

Business zone We are traveling again!

The coronavirus pandemic has struck a severe blow to the travel-related industries. Planned vacations and holidays have been put into question,...

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10.09.2020 | 2394

Good practice Corporate social responsibility in the time of pandemic

Managing risk, adapting to new circumstances and redefining organizational goals are challenges faced by both small companies and international...

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11.08.2020 | 6388

Airport Flash Welcome back

The closure of the borders in mid-March and introduction of the state of epidemic threat resulted in complete suspension of commercial flights....

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11.08.2020 | 7788

Airport Flash Bezpieczeństwo przede wszystkim

Kraków Airport jako pierwszy port lotniczy w Polsce podpisał deklarację „Aviation Industry Charter for COVID-19”, zainicjowaną i...

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30.06.2020 | 3871

Airport Flash Inwestycje w toku

Wszelkie procesy inwestycyjne niezbędne dla zagwarantowania bezpieczeństwa operacji lotniczych i zachowania ciągłości operacyjnej Kraków...

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25.06.2020 | 3616

Business news Innovative Malopolska

According to representatives of the Kraków Technology Park (KPT), 2019 was the best year in its 22-year history. The plans for the next years...

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03.03.2020 | 4054

Business news Coordinated Airport

Kraków Airport is the only regional airport in Poland that serves over 8 million passengers during the year, where 24 carriers offer 150...

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16.01.2020 | 6468


Employee involvement in volunteering noticeably translates into increased social capital in a company. Moreover, it supports employee relations, ...

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04.12.2019 | 3876

Business zone Straight from a farmer

Nowadays, more and more attention is paid to the high quality of products coming directly from certified producers. This idea is the basis for...

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27.11.2019 | 5510

Business news How to manage business processes in practice?

The next, seventh edition of WEBCON DAY will be held on 23-24 October. It is a great opportunity to exchange experiences, ideas and inspirations ...

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22.10.2019 | 2932

Business zone Glaze Prosthetics. Be yourself to the fullest

The greatest strength of Glaze Prosthetics is an innovative product, as well as a unique approach to the customer. Founded by Piotr Sajdak, the...

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24.09.2019 | 7804

Airport Flash Customer Experience w centrum uwagi

Kraków Airport organizatorem 3. edycji ACI Customer Experience Global Summit...

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05.09.2019 | 3826

Good practice The Airline Industry responds to climate challenges

Demand for air transport is still increasing. It is estimated that within 20 years it will exceed twice the current demand. Never before has the ...

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16.08.2019 | 4084

Business zone The nordic way of doing business

The cold countries of the North can boast hot ideas that make their entrepreneurship a real role model for the world. The Scandinavians make the ...

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06.08.2019 | 4016


International success has not changed their traditional lives and the way they perceive business. The creators of the Wooden Story brand...

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31.07.2019 | 3524


Sustainable development means making a joint effort to build a sustainable and catastrophe resilient future for all people in the world and our...

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16.07.2019 | 3123


The trend to hack Ikea kitchen furniture brings together creative people from all around the world. The concept of original fronts for the...

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28.05.2019 | 6748


Activities in the field of corporate social responsibility are now an integral part of the Wawel company's policy, a confectionery producer with ...

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21.05.2019 | 4936

Business news IMPACT’19 ECONOMIC CONGRESS in Kraków

The biggest economic event in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) will take place on 21-22 May. During the span of two days, 250 speakers will give ...

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15.05.2019 | 2926

Business zone Business born from passion

The craze for Fair Trade food products has been around here for a long time. Now the time has come for responsible fashion. KOKOworld is a...

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04.04.2019 | 3760

Good practice Business in Poland. Is it responsible?

Currently, companies increasingly focus not only on conducting effective business activities, but also try to respond to the needs of the...

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05.03.2019 | 3676


Participants of business events and meetings spent PLN 1.4 billion in Kraków. The “The economic influence of the meeting industry on Kraków...

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28.02.2019 | 3176


On 7th and 8th March 2019 in Stara Zajezdnia in Kraków, the mobile business representatives are going to meet at the Mobile Trends Conference...

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28.02.2019 | 3076

Business Italian way of doing business

The Italian economy is based on industry, agriculture, luxury goods and tourism. National capital is one of the biggest in the world, with HDI,...

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15.02.2019 | 5675

Good practice Virtual reality, real business

Snowflakes are swirling around and an icy wind is blowing. You are climbing a steep mountain slope. In the distance, you can already see the...

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22.01.2019 | 3507

Business zone Cybersecurity – the challenge of the 21st century

Although cybersecurity is naturally associated with fighting cybercrime, it is not only limited to this issue. Its definition covers the...

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08.01.2019 | 4588

Business zone The phenomenon of start-ups in Kraków

Enormous business potential, developing BPO/SSC/ITO sectors and prestigious scientific bodies. Now, Kraków can also add a flourishing star-up...

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16.11.2018 | 3947

Business news #KRK2036

Last year, Kraków Airport presented the Master Plan of Kraków-Balice Airport, i.e. a long-term investment plan that will enable the...

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17.10.2018 | 3895

Business news 28th Economic Forum in Krynica

During the 28th Economic Forum in Krynica representatives of the aviation industry discussed the "Potential directions of development of...

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17.10.2018 | 3620

Business zone Polish shoes go off into the world

The history of the footwear industry in Małopolska dates back to the 1960s. It is here that such brands as Ryłko, Wojas or Badura, companies...

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12.10.2018 | 8836

Business news CYBERSEC Forum – Kraków

On 8-9 October, 2018, CYBERSEC conference will be organized. This will be is the first event in Poland, and one of the few in Europe, that...

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28.09.2018 | 3180

Business news Cooperation with the Vanguard Initiative

Małopolskie voivodeship has announced the winner of the tender that aimed at selecting an intermediary between the Vanguard Initiative and...

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30.08.2018 | 4157

Business news A factory for 360 million

Mabuchi Motors, a manufacturer of small electric motors, starts its first factory in Europe in the Kraków Special Economic...

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30.08.2018 | 3120

Good practice Producer’s DNA instead of a label

From cheap imitations to perfect copies that you cannot tell apart from originals – counterfeit products and materials are a reason for...

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22.08.2018 | 4343

Business zone Business potential of Dubai

Dubai is actively and successfully attracting international business. Although this development began with the discovery of oil deposits in the...

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14.08.2018 | 8364

Good practice Technologies developed by the space industry

Nowadays, business and science are two worlds which frequently cooperate and merge, creating innovative solutions in numerous...

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09.08.2018 | 5869

Business zone Małopolska’s recipe for innovations in business

A rehabilitation robot for children, a 3D printer, a smoke ventilation system for staircases and innovative aircrafts are the awarded projects...

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19.07.2018 | 3214

Business news Without a visa to the US?

If Poland is admitted to the Visa Waiver program, Poles will be able to travel to the United States only with a...

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06.07.2018 | 5242

Business news New business specialization – a wider perspective

Cracow University of Economics has initiated an educational project that will allow students to learn about and start cooperation with many...

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06.07.2018 | 2885

Business news Krakowice hosts UNESCO congress

Kraków city of literature and Katowice city of music will join forces as Krakowice. Both cities will host this year’s UNESCO Creative Cities...

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12.06.2018 | 3938

Business news Małopolskie Voivodeship in the lead

Małopolskie voivodeship has once again been distinguished in "European Cities and Regions of the Future 2018/19" ranking created by fDi...

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05.06.2018 | 3153

Business zone Sky-reaching business

Drones have an ever-increasing number of applications in the army, logistics, agriculture or life-saving services, and are gaining popularity...

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28.05.2018 | 5604

Good practice Real cooperation

The cooperation between Na Niby Studio (“Not real Studio”) from Kraków and the Department of Games Technology of the Jagiellonian...

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18.05.2018 | 3743

Business zone Houses of the future available today

Smart houses have gone a long way – from futuristic concepts and expensive gadgets to systems available to a growing consumer group. What are...

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06.04.2018 | 4461

Good practice Bus lanes

Nowadays, business and science are two worlds which frequently cooperate and merge, creating innovative solutions in numerous areas – public...

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24.03.2018 | 4486

Business news Kraków a hit in tourism

At the request of the City Office of Kraków the research examining the effect of World Youth Day on the city’s economy was...

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06.02.2018 | 3770

Good practice Business on the banks of Vistula

Poland is an ideal place in which to invest money and grow a business. Foreign investors keenly invest with their money in the country on the...

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07.02.2018 | 4011

Good practice Scandinavia – a place where speech is golden

Glacial lakes of dark blue water, the Norwegian fjord coast, a range of seemingly endless green forests … the omnipresent calm of Scandinavian ...

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04.12.2017 | 3289

Business zone VR full of possibilities

Virtual reality is changing from an experiment into a product that is increasingly going beyond entertainment and video games, and starts being...

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27.11.2017 | 4017

Business news Constructing an Economic Activity Zone

The Kraków City Council has agreed upon transfer of 40-hectare plots, where a part of an Economic Activity Zone will be created, to Kraków...

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16.10.2017 | 3788

Business news The largest coworking network in Kraków

Business Link, the largest coworking office rental network in Poland, is opening a new office space in the very heart of...

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16.10.2017 | 4285

Business zone Video game market: Małopolska in the lead

Video game market in Poland is currently one of the most dynamically developing economic sectors. Game industry, estimated at about PLN 1.8...

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27.04.2017 | 4644

Business news Kraków authorities announce a competition

The space under the new railroad flyovers, which are under construction from ul. Lubicz to ul. Podgórska in Kraków, is going to be...

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16.10.2017 | 3208

Business zone Museum in a smartphone

Do museums have to be smart? The applications implemented at the Kraków Cloth Hall or MOCAK as well as mobile solutions created by Moiseum...

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12.09.2017 | 3624

Good practice The Vietnamese side of business

Vietnam is a country brimming with great potential for growth, which offers many possibilities to foreign investors. However, it is also...

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11.09.2017 | 4270

Business news The 27th Economic Forum in Krynica

“Project Europe – what recipe for the next decade?” – is the motto of the 27th Economic Forum in Krynica that will take place on...

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10.09.2017 | 2957

Business news About technological innovations in Kraków

The Kraków Technology Park will host the Open Living Lab Days 2017 conference between August 29 and September...

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05.09.2017 | 2748

Business news Kraków – a global business brand

The next edition of Tholons Services Globalisation Index has confirmed strong position of Kraków in the global market for business and...

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28.08.2017 | 2959

Business news Brainly distinguished by “Entrepreneur” magazine

Brainly, a start-up from Kraków, was distinguished by American magazine “Entrepreneur”, which named it one of nine revolutionary...

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20.06.2017 | 3334

Good practice Business under the maple leaf

Although it is the second largest country in the world, its population is 3 million smaller than Poland. Moreover, its population density comes...

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28.06.2017 | 3801

Business zone Eco-business

Ecology, energy efficiency, renewable raw materials – these are the possible foundations for ecological business. How do companies from...

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28.06.2017 | 3663

Business news Małopolska – innovative and venturesome

The 7th edition of the Małopolska Innovation Festival entitled "Beads, Highlanders and High- Tech" took place on 15-21 May in Kraków, Tarnów, ...

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01.06.2017 | 3027

Good practice Doing business – the Mexican way

Business success in another country depends not only on the local market conditions, but also the ability to adapt to a given culture and the...

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28.04.2017 | 6041

Business news Technology in marketing

Startup Weekends are periodic meetings during which teams work on solutions using modern...

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26.04.2017 | 3611

Business news Kraków’s second youth

Over the last decade, the IT, business and technology industries have changed Kraków almost beyond recognition. Accompanying the new,...

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22.04.2017 | 3243

Business news Artificial intelligence

KrakHack is the first Polish 24-hour hackathon that has been used to help create city development...

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14.04.2017 | 2943

Business news KTP requests to extend the zone

Kraków Technology Park wants to extend its special economic zone by another 97...

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28.03.2017 | 3728

Business news The stars of the investment market

The ICE Kraków Congress Centre will be hosting the 3rd edition of Expo FxCuffs that will take place on 24-25 March...

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26.03.2017 | 2923

Business news Kraków Airport recognised by passengers

On 6 March of the current year, Kraków Airport was awarded first prize by Airport Council International in the category: Europe – Best...

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09.03.2017 | 2960

Business zone Kraków: business year 2016

The developing economic potential of Kraków allows the city to be perceived not only through its historical features and rich architecture, but ...

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28.02.2017 | 3207

Good practice Marriage like business, business like marriage

Business etiquette largely reflects cultural norms of a particular country. How does etiquette look like in India – a country so far from...

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28.02.2017 | 4680

Business news 3rd edition of Kraków Business Starter

During the 30th StartUp Mixer, which was held on 13 December 2016, the winners of the 3rd edition of Kraków Business Starter were...

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19.02.2017 | 2828