Zimowy okres wpływa na nasze wybory kulinarne. Chętniej sięgamy po produkty, które nam dostarczą odpowiednią ilość kalorii i ciepła....
Kuszą aromatem, zachwycają smakiem. Niemal każdy region na naszym globie może pochwalić się własnym, unikalnym produktem, który jest...
Po letniej przerwie na ligowe boiska powracają polscy ampfutboliści – w dniach 31 sierpnia i 1 września na stadionie Prądniczanki Kraków...
Pomysł na weekend last minute? Kopenhaga, Malaga, Walencja, Berlin a może Londyn? Zobaczcie co tam na Was...
Its history dates back almost 15,000 years. In many cultures, it is a symbol of abundance and prosperity. Although simple in composition, it...
Nie masz jeszcze pomysłu gdzie się wybrać w nowym roku? Każdy pretekst jest dobry - koncert, wystawa a może Dzień...
Co warto zobaczyć i gdzie pojechać w okresie jesienno - zimowym. Paryż, Warszawa, Bruksela czy...
There is no single answer to the question: "What is the best time to visit Italy?", but autumn certainly has much to offer. The significant...
Theatre, music, multimedia - you can't miss it! The cultural second half of the summer promises to be very interesting in Europe... Athens,...
Kierunek? KULTURA! Wystawy, wydarzenia - co warto zobaczyć, czego nie można przeoczyć. #flyKRK Paryż, Berlin, Amsterdam, Monte...
The capital of the Costa del Sol, a sunny coastline in the south of Andalusia, is lively Malaga, which attracts visitors all year round not only ...
Kraków zajął niedawno 2. miejsce w światowym rankingu "The 2022 thrifting report", prezentującym najlepsze miasta na zakupy w vintage...
London is well-known for its extensive art collections. In the museums here, we can experience a real journey into the past, while in the...
Prague invariably attracts visitors with its atmosphere and remarkable sights. During a visit to the Czech capital, you can experience regional...
Th exhibition “A New Beginning. Modernism in the Second Polish Republic” includes roughly 500 exhibits ranging from works of art to...
Chocolate or beer, waffles or fries – these Belgian hits are known and loved all over the world. However, it is worth trying them at the...
Vienna: the city of emperors, historic architecture, outstanding artists and priceless works of art. Apart from its historical face, the...
Bulgaria smells of paprika, aubergine, fenugreek, and mint. Its location – at the crossroads of Europe, Asia, and the Middle East – means...
The largest and wealthiest city of the United Arab Emirates tempts tourists not only with glamour, but also with immeasurable layers of cultural ...
Norway enchants visitors with picturesque views and magnificent nature. Those who arrive here seek primarily a moment of relaxation and close...
When looking for classic Italian specialties of the north, you will end up in Bologna, where you will sink in various flavours. What can you...
Przez ostatnie lata krakowscy studenci zakosztowali jedynie namiastki swojego największego święta. Po prawie 3-letniej przerwie, Juwenalia...
Kraków is an excellent place for a weekend escapade, especially if you like following the trail of cultural events. As every year, spring...
The flavours of Agadir cuisine are dominated by diversity. You can find there a lot of colours and aromas typical of Moroccan dishes, strong...
One sunny island, two azure seas. Sicily is a tempting tourist destination all-year long – no wonder some have dubbed it a paradise on Earth,...
Located on the border with Belgium, Lille, the capital of the Hauts-de-France region and the Nord department, has an industrial, mining and...
Święto kultury, technologii i nauki na 100. urodziny Stanisława...
Repeatedly acclaimed as one of the best places to live in the world, Copenhagen differs significantly from other European capitals. It surprises ...
One day in New York is enough to observe various graffiti filling the city space. Districts, where street art is present at almost every turn,...
21 maja odbędzie się w Krakowie 17. edycja Nocy Muzeów. W tym roku zostanie zorganizowana w innej formule. Ze względu na ograniczenia...
Już w najbliższy weekend, po raz 11, zapraszamy na wydarzenie 7@nite Synagogi Nocą, które w tym roku odbędzie się w wersji hybrydowej -...
Welcome to Gdańsk, where walls of blocks, entrances to garages, underground tunnels and columns in passages under bridges serve as canvas, and...
Ceramics has accompanied man since the dawn of time. Handed down from generation to generation, this technique is being reborn today in the form ...
There are at least a dozen reasons why you should come to Kraków. And if you want to visit the most interesting shopping places, it may turn...
W 2021 roku przypada 100lecie urodzin Stanisława Lema. Krakowskie teatry już teraz przygotowały dla widzów 2 ciekawe...
"Visible and invisible" is the motto of this year's festival. The invited guests, together with the panel participants, will reflect on how...
Obwarzanek, maczanka krakowska, pischinger and cholent are only a few from a long list of dishes and specialties worth trying in Kraków, a city ...
Surprising, rebellious, brave – street art goes beyond easy definitions. Kraków street art is an example of the synergy of cultures,...
BE A TOURIST IN YOUR CITY – VISIT KRAKOW is an initiative which invites to rediscover the city. Sightseeing routes are updated specially for...
Planując pobyt w stolicy, nie musimy się obawiać o brak atrakcji. Co więcej, oferta handlowa jest tak szeroka, że przyjdzie nam stanąć...
From classics, through contemporary to theatrical performances. These are the various premieres and events that the Kraków theatre scene has in ...
In pursuit of the perfect planner and calendar, it is increasingly difficult to choose your favourite one. Every year there are more and more...
Wiesław Dymny was a versatile artist who smoothly combined the cabaret, theatre, film, music, literature and visual arts. He was one of the...
A trip to Chicago is a great opportunity to discover the classics dishes of American cuisine in a completely new version. To get a taste of true ...
The oldest film festival in Poland, which combines the achievements of professional animation artists, students as well as independent...
Time spent at the airport can be hasty and stressful due to, for example, not being familiar with the procedures. By introducing a number of...
“A gentleman’s choice of timepiece says as much about him as does his Savile Row suit”. This sentence expressed by Ian Fleming, the...
How to discover the world together with the youngest? The growing number of adults traveling with their children inspires other parents to set...
The eleventh edition of the annual literary festival of Joseph Conrad focuses on the subject of "Literature and Realities". During the festival...
Spanish cuisine, especially the tradition of eating tapas, is considered the essence of the Mediterranean dishes. We present a subjective guide...
It is estimated that every year "travel and work" tourism attracts thousands of travellers, who want to not only see yet unknown to them...
The music presented at Sacrum Profanum is the result of innumerable cultural interactions, collisions, conflicts and rebellion. The festival...
An increasing number of people decide to go on an active and exciting holiday spent on practicing their favourite sport. However, in order to be ...
Independent Polish fashion brands are gaining strength on the market, successfully competing with fashion giants. Refined to the smallest...
You just need to go off the beaten track to experience an amazing adventure. Łukasz Długowski (facebook.com/mikrowyprawy), a journalist,...
Unique bags, backpacks and bum bags made in small workshops are enjoying an increasing and well-deserved esteem by consumers who want to stand...
Portugal will captivate us with many flavours – from the exceptionally intense sweetness of pastéis de nata to the characteristic salty...
Zdynia – a small village in the Beskid Niski – hosts annually the festival of Lemkos culture. The three-day program includes concerts,...
The street theater will visit Kraków for the 32nd time. The hosts of the festival attractions will become the most beautiful, well-known...
The largest jazz festival in Poland organized in 1996 is a guarantee of exceptional musical experience. A parade of Polish stars and a legend of ...
The number of animals on board is limited. Therefore, it is best to inform the staff about travelling with pets already when booking a flight....
Some useful tips about packing your luggage when traveling on a...
Over two hundred thousand cities, millions of users, countless positive experiences and "friends you have not met yet". Couchsurfing is a great...
A combination of excellent design and masterful precision as well as fashion and practical considerations. Polish companies that manufacture...
The influence of Greeks on the European culture and art is impossible to dismiss. Equally rich is the cuisine of the country from the south of...
Na innowacyjny start nigdy nie jest za późno – takie hasło przyświeca tegorocznej 9. już edycji Małopolskiego Festiwalu Innowacji,...
An exceptional exhibition devoted to the life and work of the outstanding Polish director. The exhibition at the National Museum in Kraków is...
The upcoming 8th Miłosz Festival will, as always, refer with its title to the work of its eminent patron. “The Seizure of Power” is the...
A captivating music-film showcase. The festival is first and foremost famous for simultaneous productions, the so-called film live in concert...
It took me many months to find a place that would be authentic and where care for wild animals always comes first. I did not want to go a place...
“Millennials love plants” – announced “The New York Times” in 2018. A generation that changes their place of residence several times...
For French people, meeting at the table is something more than just a way to satiate hunger. Eating together, as well as the customs and rituals ...
When planning a trip with a child, it is worth to take care of her/his comfort and think about ways to overcome boredom. A wellorganized trip...
Już po raz szesnasty uczestnicy Krakowskiego Półmaratonu Marzanny symbolicznie pożegnają zimę, topiąc Marzannę, a następnie rozpoczną...
Przed nami ostatnie dwa weekendy, podczas których można wziąć udział w Paradzie gazdowskiej. Parada gazdowska i kumoterska, wyścigi...
Wiedeń kojarzy się przede wszystkim ze sztuką. Tworzyli tu m.in. Strauss, Mozart, Haydn, a w licznych muzeach możemy zobaczyć obrazy...
Kamera sferyczna umożliwia nagranie wszystkiego, co się dzieje wokół niej w czasie rzeczywistym. W praktyce podczas uroczystości rodzinnej...
Its French name – bijou – means “jewel”. For centuries, it had played various roles. It was an attribute of power and status, expressed...
In winter carnival madness begins all over Europe. In every corner of Europe winter festivals are celebrated in a different way depending on...
Artyści Teatru Narodowego Operetki Kijowskiej zabiorą widzów w podróż po najpiękniejszych historiach miłosnych światowej operetki i...
For the ffteenth time, at noon on the last day of the year, crowds of runners will appear in the Old Town in Kraków. Participants can compete...
Traditional pastorals, Christmas songs from all around the world and the most beautiful Polish carols will resonate through Kraków on the frst...
When asked about traditional English dishes, you will surely mention Christmas pudding and the full English breakfast. However, after visiting...
Colourful illuminated advertisements serve not only informative role, but also shape a street’s character. After gaining popularity in Paris,...
Work, overtime, additional activities, housework. And when you have an opportunity to go on long yearned vacations, you often do it at your...
Three gadgets that you will appreciate while hiking in the...
Travenalia is an event for all the people fascinated by distant countries, exotic travels, extreme sports or simply - exploring the world and...
Conrad Festival is a weeklong event for all lovers of the written...
Imagine that you are relaxing in a green courtyard by a tea table, away from the hustle and bustle of the city. In the air, you feel a faint...
Regional flavors, culinary discoveries, oriental spices and aromatic infusions... This is Najedzeni Fest! Festival, whose fourth edition will be ...
What did the life of citizens in Kraków look like at the turn of the 20th century? This question will be answered by “Kraków...
Some attribute to it only the modest role of an intermediary, while it often has been more popular than the event that it...
Kiev is mainly associated with golden dome temples that give the panorama of the city a unique shine. However, you should visit the capital of...
The charismatic artist will present songs from her latest album "Malinowa ...", which features 14 premiere songs, including a duet with Piotr...
The Sacrum Profanum Festival starts in two weeks. A unique spectacle was prepared for the finale of the 16th edition of the festival – an...
This is the last weekend to enjoy a truly idyllic atmosphere. The event has been promoting European folk art as well as artistic and traditional ...
During weekends in August and September, Vineyards of the Małopolska Wine Route is open for connoisseurs of this noble beverage. It is not only ...
GoPro camera is a small gadget that has revolutionized the...
Most of us bring from trips photos of cities, lakes, dunes, or mountain peaks, which constitute the visual memories of landscapes. Meanwhile, in ...
Well-educated and internationally appreciated – Polish architects of the young generation do not lose ground to their foreign counterparts....
Street Art. International Festival of Street Theatres is one of the oldest events of this type in Europe. The Festival will introduce various...
The 22nd Kraków Opera Summer Festival will be inaugurated with “Don Pasquale” by G. Donizetti. The programme includes, among others, the...
Jazz lovers will have an unforgettable experience this year: more than 150 concerts, Jazz Night and New Orleans Sunday. The festival will...
The 28th edition of the Jewish Culture Festival, which has become a regular event in the city’s cultural calendar, will be extremely...
Anyone who regularly practices jogging or running appreciates solutions that allow to monitor one’s progress. That is why runners eagerly use...
What are the characteristics of Polish design after 1989? Do we really know which way it is heading, and what the expectations of the modern...
Prowansja zajmuje honorowe miejsce we francuskiej tradycji kulinarnej. Tutaj przyjemność jedzenia i styl życia łączą się w jedną...
Torvehallerne is a must-see spot on the culinary map of Copenhagen. This covered marketplace was created as recently as 2011, and for almost...
Blooming crocuses, narcissi, tulips and daffodils – after the winter dream, nature begins to awaken, exploding with a rainbow of colours and...
Anyone who has as at least once visited a traditional home in one of the Middle East countries, has probably experienced exceptional...
Sadness, melancholy, nostalgia, longing for the lost, contemplation of the passing time, gratitude and acceptance of one’s lack – all these...
This performance is an amazing combination of dance, folk music, and visual...
During Holly Week, churches in Kraków will be filled with the most outstanding Renaissance and Baroque music pieces performed by European...
If, when on a visit to Finland, you are looking for original souvenirs, local delicacies or interesting handicrafts straight from Lapland, it is ...
They say that, you cannot grow out of reading comic books. It is also not necessary, as this artistic creation is dedicated to both young and...
Małopolska is a region where history, together with political and administrative turmoil, played an exceptional role. The traces of the past...
A Pole in a china shop feels… excellent! Our country not only has centuries-old traditions regarding this craft, but also locally manufactured ...
In winter we tuck in warm sweaters and put on jackets or hats. There are, however, other ways to get warm. It is worth using the effective,...
The exhibition commemorates Franciszek Wyspiański – a Cracovian sculptor and the father of Stanisław Wyspiański. It is a general...
The exhibition presents the entire collection of Stanisław Wyspiański’s works gathered by the Museum – about 900 works of this artist,...
Nowadays, amateurs of almost every sport can find an ideal app for themselves that may prove useful during winter frenzy on skis or...
Opera Rara is an opera festival presenting various aspects of opera, which has been held in Kraków since 2009. The program includes the most...
This year, four scenes in four different locations will appear in the...
The tradition of Krakowskie szopki (Kraków nativity scene) dates back to the second half of the 19th century. Richly decorated constructions...
The Christmas atmosphere can be already felt in Kraków thanks to the Christmas fair in the Main Market...
Street art evokes a variety of emotions and cannot be clearly defined – it is an art we will not see in the gallery with its audience being...
From high-quality beans of the finest origins through light roasts practised in micro roasteries to the usage of high-spec espresso machines and ...
With the Polish golden autumn being considered by many one of the most beautiful seasons, it is a good idea to capitalize on the sunny days and...
Like every year in autumn, Polish restaurants include exquisite dishes with goose meat in their menus. The inauguration for this meat is a feast ...
”Lady with an Ermine” by Leonardo da Vinci is one of the most valuable paintings in Polish...
The exhibition encourages visitors to raise questions about Polish history, civilizational heritage, the importance of national culture and its...
The International Biennale of Architecture is a periodic event taking place in Kraków since 1985. The motto of 2017 International Biennale of...
“Norma”, the masterpiece composed by Vincenzo Bellini, is considered “the perfect...
Travelling without the knowledge of a foreign? Apps such as dictionaries, phrase books and translators will not only satisfy your linguistic...
Vegetarianism and veganism are diets that have recently gained considerable popularity. For some, it is another culinary trend, while for others ...
Original style, eye-catching colours, and, first and foremost, imagination. These three things have allowed young Polish illustrators to become...
#Vanlife – this hashtag has been used over one and a half million times on Instagram. It regards an extremely powerful trend that could be...
In 2016, the value of luxury goods market in Poland amounted to nearly PLN 16.4 billion. According to the report prepared by KPMG, the...
Although the term “dinner with a stranger” may sound like a title of a book or film, it is actually a trend that is rapidly gaining in...
Milan Design Week is a must-see event for every lover of unique interior design styles and pattern-designing solutions. It is where the best...
They find forgotten squares, fragments of streets, ruins… and under the cover of darkness set up flowerbeds and illegal gardens in the city...
Danish hygge, Swedish lagom and Norwegian koselig are words that cannot be easily translated. However, all of them conceal the recipe for...
For the Aztecs and the Mayas cacao beans were as precious as gold. They were used both as legal tender and luxurious delicacy for the elites....
In the time when we require everything to be immediate and are in a constant hurry, there exists an idea that wants us to slow down and enjoy...
Finance management is a matter of utmost importance, especially when travelling. Regardless of the way you travel around the world or the amount ...
Fashion market in Kraków is becoming increasingly diverse. It is a place where inspirations of Far Eastern cultures and crafts intertwine with...
Approximately 60 m2 with comfortable furnishings, a living room with a panoramic window overlooking the harbour, and a wooden terrace-deck under ...
In today's globalized society, it is getting more and more difficult to notice and appreciate the value of small, local holidays and festivals....
Sicily does not only tempt with its beautiful beaches, ancient monuments, archaeological parks, baroque towns such as Noto or Erice. This...
Regardless of whether you are travelling for business or private reasons; planning a long or short trip to an exotic country or one of the...
Environmental awareness is on the rise, which is why consumers are more eager to buy eco-friendly products. Their expectations are met by Polish ...
Having a lodging is one of the basic human needs. Housing conditions influence the most important life decisions regarding mobility, career...
There are many reasons to visit Amsterdam – numerous delightful parks, museums, magnificent architecture as well as captivating picturesque...