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Be my guest IZMIR w 3 dni

Choć trzecie co do wielkości miasto Turcji cieszy się niemałą popularnością, dla większości turystów pozostaje kierunkiem...

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27.01.2025 | 62

Dossier BUKARESZT na weekend. Miasto pełne kontrastów

Nowy rok warto rozpocząć od planów nowych podróży. Jeśli lubisz odwiedzać miejsca nieoczywiste i takie, do których nie docierają...

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01.01.2025 | 184

Hot spot Ryga – magia secesji

Choć Ryga to kulturowy tygiel i barwna destynacja turystyczna o bogatej historii, wciąż najbardziej przyciąga turystów niezwykłą wręcz...

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06.12.2024 | 206

Travel Atrakcje grudniowe

Gdzie warto spędzić weekend Co nas czeka w najbliższym czasie? Jarmarki bożonarodzeniowe, wyścigi Mikołajów czy może wystawa...

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29.11.2024 | 173

Airport Flash Kraków Airport przekracza historyczny próg: 10 milionów pasażerów w 2024 roku!

Kraków Airport jako pierwsze wśród portów regionalnych w Polsce obsłużyło 10 milionów pasażerów w ciągu jednego roku. Wydarzenie to...

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23.11.2024 | 532

Zoom Krakow – the city of runners! Best running opportunities in the capital of Malopolska

Is there a paradise for runners? Here on earth, in your lifetime? A place where running is different, better than anywhere else? Top runners...

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04.11.2024 | 316

Dossier Zurich and surroundings

The tourist attractions of Zurich can be found in many guidebooks and blogs. But every so often, it is worth going beyond the clichés and...

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30.10.2024 | 9198

Dossier Ulisses z Triestu

To niewiarygodne, ale najsłynniejsza powieść wybitnego irlandzkiego pisarza Jamesa Joyce'a narodziła się nie na zielonej wyspie, a w...

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30.09.2024 | 666

Photo Sztokholm

„Sztokholm to sprytny uwodziciel i choć warto pozwolić sobie na romans z nim, należy też mieć na uwadze, że będzie cię...

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18.07.2024 | 1252

Zoom Do Krakowa, czyli nad wodę!

Przyjeżdżasz latem do Krakowa, chodzisz po brukowanych uliczkach, biegasz między Rynkiem Głównym a Kazimierzem i jest wspaniale, ale… czy ...

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11.07.2024 | 1057

Hot spot Spoglądając na morze. Zamek Miramare w Trieście

Podobno to najpiękniejszy, najbardziej romantyczny i najsmutniejszy zarazem zamek słonecznej Italii znajduje się w Trieście. I choć...

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21.06.2024 | 2051

Dossier Sardynia

Od Szmaragdowego Wybrzeża po nuragijskie wyżyny... Podobno, kiedy bóg stwarzał świat, upuścił grudkę ziemi, która spadła na Morzę...

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13.09.2024 | 1063

Zoom Parks in Kraków – oases of green with a history

If Kraków's historic buildings are its heart, then its parks and green spaces are its lungs. They are places where both residents and tourists...

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28.05.2024 | 2881

Be my guest Wilno – stolica do uchwycenia w trzy dni

Wilno to miasto, które trzeba odwiedzić. Nie tylko dlatego, że mieszkał w nim Adam Mickiewicz, kształcili się Słowacki czy Miłosz… To...

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30.04.2024 | 3295

Hot spot Cypr dla aktywnych

Cypr oferuje aż 300 słonecznych dni w roku! Nic dziwnego, iż ta popularna wśród turystów wyspa kojarzy się przede wszystkim z...

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11.04.2024 | 3174

Dossier Szardża. Trzy dni w raju.

Gdyby zapytać o arabskie miasta kompletne, oferujące wszelkie możliwe atrakcje, każdy globtroter wymieniłby rzecz jasna Abu Zabi i Dubaj....

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14.06.2024 | 4100

Hot spot Najpiękniejsza trasa spacerowa w Paryżu

Podobno to najpiękniejsza trasa spacerowa w Paryżu. Coulée verte René-Dumont, znana wcześniej jako Promenade plantée, to wyjątkowy...

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19.03.2024 | 2231

Dossier FARO – okno na Algarve

To zaskakujące, ale jedna z prawdziwych pereł południowego wybrzeża Portugalii wciąż pozostaje polskim turystom szerzej nieznana. Faro,...

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25.03.2024 | 2512

Photo Helsinki – białe miasto Północy

Helsinki nazywane są "córką Bałtyku", bo znajdują się na samym czubku zatoki fińskiej. Helsinki to także "białe miasto Północy", ze...

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12.02.2024 | 1599

Zoom Poznaj niezwykłe krakowskie tradycje

Jedno z najstarszych i najpiękniejszych polskich miast może pochwalić się nie tylko bogatą historią i zachwycającymi zabytkami, ale też...

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26.01.2024 | 3541

Be my guest Walencja – ojczyzna paelli

To hiszpańskie miasto urzekających kontrastów w romantyczny sposób łączy historię z nowoczesnością, a dzikość natury z ulicznym...

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24.01.2024 | 1800

Hot spot W drodze do wioski św. Mikołaja

Choć majestatyczne, surowe ostępy dalekiej Północy oświetlone polarną zorzą niekoniecznie kojarzą się z Bożym Narodzeniem, Laponia...

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19.12.2023 | 3002

Hot spot W górach Norwegii

Łańcuch ciągnących się na długości 1800 kilometrów Gór Skandynawskich pokrywa dwie trzecie powierzchni Norwegii. W praktyce otwiera to...

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05.12.2023 | 2476

Zoom Małopolska w telefonie

Mapy i drukowane przewodniki coraz bardziej odchodzą w cień, ustępując miejsca wygodniejszym, a co przy tym niezwykle ważne, interaktywnym...

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17.11.2023 | 1600

Be my guest East Midlands czyli z wizytą w Nothingham, Derby i Leicester

East Midlands słynie z zachwycających zielonych terenów, niezwykłych zabytków oraz lokalnych przysmaków – w tym kultowego pork pie czy...

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09.11.2023 | 2917

Be my guest Fuerteventura – raj na wyciągnięcie ręki

Urzekające dziewicze krajobrazy, przeszło 150 białych i złotych plaż, krystaliczne wody i słońce praktycznie przez cały rok. Na Oceanie...

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03.11.2023 | 4295

Dossier Magia bawarskich miast

Planując podróż do Bawarii, warto odwiedzić zarówno tętniące życiem Monachium, jak i klimatyczne Memmingen z uroczą starówką czy...

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16.02.2024 | 1678

Hot spot Serbia – a paradise for connoisseurs

Serbia is a country still little known to Polish tourists and often overlooked in holiday plans, but a direct flight from Kraków to Belgrade...

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29.08.2023 | 2474

Zoom The most beautiful panoramas in Małopolska

Małopolska, thanks to its location in upland and mountainous areas, offers several vantage points with phenomenal panoramas. See where the most ...

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17.08.2023 | 4014

Hot spot Riwiera Turecka. Więcej niż morze i piasek

Turcja to nie tylko piasek i morze. Bogata kultura, starożytne zabytki, orientalne smaki i malowniczy, zróżnicowany krajobraz - ten kraj ma...

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27.07.2023 | 2613

Photo Athens – all shades of white

Zdjęcia Aten autorstwa Matthijsa Koka emanują minimalizmem, miękkim światłem i stonowanymi paletami kolorów, zachowując jednocześnie...

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25.07.2023 | 2474

Dossier Stambuł. Metropolia dwóch kontynentów

To położone na styku dwóch kontynentów starożytne miasto stanowi największą metropolię Turcji i zarazem kulturalne, handlowe i...

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25.09.2023 | 4559

Zoom Jewish Kazimierz

This magical district, which today gathers Kraków's artistic and social life, was for centuries an enclave of the Jewish community, which left...

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06.07.2023 | 5477

Dossier Bułgaria: od Burgas do Warny

Bułgaria... od Burgas do Varny, czyli tam, gdzie piaski są złote... Bułgarskie wybrzeże Morza Czarnego ma wszystko, co gwarantuje dobry...

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20.07.2023 | 3228

Hot spot Zielona Góra i okolice w 3 dni

Województwo lubuskie, choć niezaprzeczalnie piękne i intrygujące, zdaje się pozostawać w cieniu bardziej znanych sąsiadów –...

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07.06.2023 | 3937

Dossier 3 dni w… Belfaście

Belfast to nie jest oczywisty wybór na trzydniowy wypad, ale stolica Irlandii Północnej to miejsce, które wciąga niczym atmosfera...

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27.06.2023 | 2642

Photo Colours of Istanbul

Istanbul has many colors. White, gold or blue of unusual mosques with minarets reaching the sky, the dark silhouette of the monumental building...

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21.04.2023 | 3009

Hot spot Alpy Algawskie. Natura w bawarskim wydaniu

Wysokogórskie ukwiecone hale z rozbrzmiewającymi dzwoneczkami wypasanych owiec, niezrównane widoki, pyszna domowa kuchnia – oto Alpy...

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28.03.2023 | 3112

Dossier Lourdes. Mistyczna podróż

Lourdes co roku przyciąga miliony pielgrzymów, którzy szukają tutaj ukojenia dla duszy. Do tego położonego u podnóża Pirenejów miasta...

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16.05.2023 | 4115

Hot spot 3 dni w… Leeds

Zwiedzanie wspaniałej architektury XIX-wiecznej Anglii? Wizyta w gregoriańskiej posiadłości? Koncert? Mecz? Zakupy? Sztuka? W Leeds zawsze...

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01.03.2023 | 7261

Hot spot On the trail of Arabian nature

The United Arab Emirates is generally perceived as a sparkling, futuristic enclave of glass and steel, resplendent with glitter in the middle of ...

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27.01.2023 | 4309

Be my guest Agadir. Relax in the sun

Wide beaches, a pleasantly warm climate and a breeze from the ocean make Agadir an excellent place to relax all year round. The city is vibrant...

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26.01.2023 | 5081

Hot spot Skiing! #flyKRK

A few ideas where to go by plane to ski from Krakow. It's time to start the ski...

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18.01.2023 | 2714

Zoom ZAKOPANE. The beauty as inscribed in culture

Zakopane, the capital of the Polish mountains, also plays the role of a cultural centre, attracting outstanding artists to the Tatra Mountains...

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27.12.2022 | 4620

Photo Christmas in Europe

Christmas markets in Europe - full of lights, Christmas decorations and scents are an inseparable part of the December landscape. It is worth...

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17.12.2022 | 2890

Hot spot 3 days in… Brussels

Brussels, a city of many cultures, attracts lovers of art, history and ... hot chocolate. This compact capital is ideal for a short trip, and...

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08.12.2022 | 3440

Dossier Perugia fragrant with chocolate and truffles

Unlike Rome, not all roads lead to Perugia. And that's a very good thing. The Umbrian capital is a vibrant city but a bit on the small side, as...

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23.03.2023 | 6669

Be my guest Toulouse. An undiscovered gem in the south of France

Occitania, a picturesque region of France located between the Pyrenees and Provence, still remains little known and mysterious. A great place...

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28.10.2022 | 14597

Hot spot In the academic heart of Paris

Saint Thomas Aquinas, Victor Hugo and Jackie Kennedy studied here. Located in the very centre of Paris, the university, commonly known as...

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13.10.2022 | 2517

Zoom Bicycle enotourism in the Cracovian style

Just 10 km from the Old Town, in Kraków's Bielany district, near the Camaldolese monastery and surrounded by Wolski Forest, there is one of the ...

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16.09.2022 | 3986

Hot spot New York: Beyond Manhattan

One of the most common mistakes tourists make is believing that everything worth seeing in New York is in Manhattan. Meanwhile, this metropolis...

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12.09.2022 | 3683

Hot spot 3 days in Lyon

Lyon is not the first choice for tourists when they want to fly to France. However, this second-largest agglomeration in the country impresses...

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07.09.2022 | 10780

Zoom Małopolska: Breath of Nature

Małopolska Region has the most significant number of national parks in Poland and two world-known biosphere reserves. All within a radius of...

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22.08.2022 | 3876

Photo Berlin – the city of cotrasts

"Berlin, the greatest cultural extravaganza you can imagine" - this is how David Bowie accurately put the spirit of this city in the 1970s....

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04.08.2022 | 1457

Hot spot Turkish Riviera: Alanya, Belek, Side or Kemer?

Beautiful weather is here all year round and the Turkish Riviera has so much to offer. Alanya, Antalya, Belek, Side or Kemer? We suggest which...

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22.07.2022 | 31106

Dossier Poznaj Poznań

Koziołki, międzynarodowe targi, rogale świętomarcińskie? To pierwsze skojarzenia związane z Poznaniem. Jednak miasto z ponad 1000-letnią...

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09.11.2022 | 4119

Zoom Stones that speak

Would you like to learn more about our region? Open all your senses. Touch its textures of cold stone laid 1,000 years ago and the warm wood of...

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14.07.2022 | 2203

Hot spot 6 things to visit Newark for

For most tourists, Newark is associated only with the international airport. Located right next door, on the other side of the Hudson River,...

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06.07.2022 | 7393

Hot spot #flyKRK Ancona

Ancona and the Marche region are considered to be the essence of everything that is Italian. You can find there a Mediterranean climate, great...

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15.06.2022 | 2162

Zoom Małopolska – the flavours of the sun and earth

We invite you to the next episode of the series "Małopolska: all the senses". This time, feel how it tastes – with centuries-old tradition,...

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07.06.2022 | 2761

Dossier Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

This historic metropolis, whose roots go back to the early days of Spanish rule in the archipelago, attracts visitors with its rich, living...

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08.07.2022 | 5393

Photo Wild Iceland

Wild Iceland. Hvítserkur rock – a solitary basalt rock in northwest Iceland. Its shape resembles a dragon, drinking water. Vestrahorn...

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11.05.2022 | 2664

Zoom Małopolska: All the senses

See how intense the colours of the four seasons are in Małopolska. Get a sense of its centuries-old tradition, craftsmanship and new desires....

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28.04.2022 | 9565

Hot spot Nowy Jork i Chicago – pomysł na rodzinne wakacje?

Nowy Jork i Chicago z dziećmi? Zwiedzanie Wielkiego Jabłka i Miasta Wiatrów w gronie rodzinnym to świetny pomysł. Oba miejsca oferują...

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30.05.2022 | 5436

Zoom Małopolska – enjoy health and coolness by the water

“If you want to stay healthy and young, have as much contact with water as you can,” once wrote Andrzej Klimuszko, a Polish monk,...

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25.03.2022 | 4445

Dossier Málaga – more than sweet wine

Malaga - stolica Costa del Sol. To hiszpańskie miasto, w której urodził się Pablo Picasso zaskoczy was bogactwem zabytków, wspaniałą...

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03.11.2022 | 5211

Travel Winter in Barcelona?

Welcome to the capital of Catalonia. The sea, mountains, Gaudi's fantastic architecture, the mysterious Barri Gòtic district and the bustling...

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25.01.2022 | 5886

Photo Tatra Mountains. The road to Morskie Oko.

In search of winter, it is worth going to the mountains. The road to Morskie Oko - the whole world, wrapped in a snow blanket, goes silent. ...

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19.01.2022 | 2960

Travel Chicago – the city of art and the tyrannosaurus Sue

The frosty breeze from Lake Michigan does not encourage long walks through the streets of Chicago in winter. However, there is no shortage of...

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11.01.2022 | 3671

Hot spot Snow frenzy for the active

Are you a fan of winter and snow, and you enjoy physical activity? In that case, you are for sure wondering where to go to enjoy the frosty aura ...

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05.01.2022 | 4140

Zoom Keep warm – the best thermal baths in Małopolska

The advantages of bathing in thermal waters were already known in medieval Poland. Today, a visit to the thermal baths and the water park is...

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31.12.2021 | 8091


The northern Italian land seduces with picturesque lakes and forests, rocky alpine peaks and vineyards spread out on the hills slopes. It is...

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16.12.2021 | 2079

Dossier Budapest – time for pleasure

A bath in the stunning Art Nouveau Gellert Baths, a stroll through the Central European Champs-Élysées, and an evening in the former Jewish...

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03.12.2021 | 5845

Zoom Kraków – along the route of the five mounds

There are many ways to do sightseeing in Kraków. One of them is a trip following the mysterious hills – from the most famous Kościuszko...

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19.11.2021 | 15883

Photo Agadir and its surroundings

The port city in southern Morocco boasts a long sandy beach, with the sun shining there 300 days a year. Although it was ruined by an earthquake ...

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29.10.2021 | 6369

Dossier Riga – make yourself at home

The authorities of the Latvian capital have opted for arts, crafts and delicious local cuisine. When visiting Riga, you can feel the rich and...

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28.10.2021 | 9693

Hot spot Amsterdam #flyKRK

In the port of Amsterdam there's a sailor who sings Of the dreams that he brings from the wide open sea In the port of Amsterdam there's a...

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22.10.2021 | 4201

Dossier Frankfurt and Cologne – a good weekend

Frankfurt is called by some the European New York – this is not surprising when you look at the impressive panorama of this German city....

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13.10.2021 | 5425

Hot spot Cycling through the Tri-City

Do you love the Polish sea, but the crowded beaches put you off? Or maybe it is hard for you to sit still and you prefer active recreation? Do...

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01.10.2021 | 4164

Zoom Tours through(out) Kraków

With the arrival of the long-awaited warmth and gradually loosening restrictions, thirsting for space and fresh air, we are eager to go outdoors ...

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16.09.2021 | 3863

Hot spot Burgas

Burgas is the second largest city on the Bulgarian coast and the fourth largest city in the whole country, right after Sofia, Plovdiv and Varna. ...

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24.08.2021 | 4447

Dossier B is for Bari and… Bona

Imagine Italy. On the map, it resemble a shoe. Right above its heel lies Apulia and it it, Bari - the largest city in the...

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23.08.2021 | 4714

Hot spot Albania. Trip around Tirana

Tirana is located almost in the heart of Albania. Situated between three rivers, the city is an excellent communication junction, which is a...

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18.08.2021 | 4181

Hot spot Provence: lavender paradise

Ah, Provence... long summer, white beaches, olive groves, old wineries, small cafés like from Van Gogh's painting, and most of all - a purple...

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02.08.2021 | 5858

Dossier TIRANA – in search of historical art

Not everyone is able to appreciate the raw charm of the Albanian capital at first glance. However, lovers of the Balkans are unanimous - this is ...

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30.07.2021 | 3629

Photo Incredibile Porto

Situated just above the mouth of the Douro River into the vast Atlantic, branching over an area of more than 40 kilometres and with a population ...

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23.07.2021 | 2652

Dossier Corfu: paradise on an island

Corfu is considered the greenest point on the map of Greece. There you can find sandy beaches, olive groves and blue water, try great cuisine,...

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22.07.2021 | 5795

Be my guest Split – sailing the Adriatic Sea

Split is one of the largest cities in Croatia. It is famous for its unusual old town, which used to be an imperial palace, and the wonderful...

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09.07.2021 | 4725

Dossier Shqipëria, aka Albania

They call their country the Land of the Eagles, and their religion "Albanianness", while the inhabitants themselves are considered one of the...

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05.07.2021 | 11439

Travel One look at Dubai

Dubai, with its fantastic architecture and ubiquitous luxury, intimidates and fascinates everyone who visits this almost utopian metropolis. How ...

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11.06.2021 | 3403

Be my guest Zurych

Łatwo pominąć Zurych na mapie turystycznych destynacji, jeśli weźmie się pod uwagę jego reputację miasta bankierów. Zurych nie jest...

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02.06.2021 | 8131

Zoom Hit the road – Małopolska

Breathtaking views, contact with wild nature and outdoor activities. This is only an introduction to the attractions waiting for cycling...

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14.05.2021 | 6240

Zoom The charm of tenement houses in Kraków

The charming tenement houses in Kraków are an intriguing testimony to the extremely rich history of this city. There are over 10 000 of them...

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27.04.2021 | 10232

Be my guest Stockbridge. A picturesque corner of Edinburgh.

Edinburgh may be associated with Scotland's medieval history, narrow streets and plaid skirts, but in reality, it has a lot more to offer. In...

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09.04.2021 | 3762

Travel Lizbona. W książkową podróż.

Z jednej strony – stolica państwa, centrum kulturalne i polityczne; z drugiej – malownicza, zachwycająca pięknem miejscowość, w której ...

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17.03.2021 | 6323

Travel On a book journey – Warsaw

Warsaw holds a permanent spot in classic Polish literature. One of the most often described periods is, among others, the Second World War. Many ...

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04.03.2021 | 3587

Dossier Dublin – a city with passion

The capital of Ireland is teeming with life and folk music played live in hundreds of atmospheric pubs. Its lively sounds set the rhythm of the...

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25.02.2021 | 7164

Zoom Immersed in a book in Kraków

Kraków - a city that many artists, poets and historians have fallen in love with. A forgotten, magical, angelic, occupied, criminal Kraków......

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27.01.2021 | 5375

Travel From antiquity to the present. A few books about Rome

Words associated with "Rome"? Romulus and Remus, Colosseum, Vatican. If you would like to know the real face of this city, it is worth reaching...

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07.01.2021 | 4359

Airport Flash New travel rules after BREXIT

What documents are required when flying to England? How different are the custom restrictions? Can I freely travel with my pet dog or cat? Check ...

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04.01.2021 | 259710

Photo Malopolska – a beautiful corner

The Małopolska region has been a perfect spot for both filmmakers and photographers for years. Mountains, waterfalls, spaces, beautiful nature, ...

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01.01.2021 | 3513

Be my guest Oslo. In harmony with nature and art

In the capital of Norway, you will feel the raw and unique Scandinavian aura. There, as nowhere else, modern architecture is harmoniously...

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30.12.2020 | 4372

Zoom Kraków of churches

Churches are the cornerstone of Kraków, as you can see every year during Cracovia Sacra, the Kraków edition of the Night of Churches, when...

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22.12.2020 | 9358

Dossier Luksemburg. Bajkowe miasto z burzliwą historią

Luksemburg kojarzy się przede wszystkim z bankami i siedzibami instytucji Unii Europejskiej. Tymczasem stolica Wielkiego Księstwa ma do...

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19.12.2020 | 19499

Zoom Wieża jakich mało!

Pomysł na wycieczkę? Wieża widokowa w Krynicy-Zdroju, z której każdy może podziwiać zapierającą dech w piersiach panoramę,...

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11.12.2020 | 7001

Travel On a book journey – London

What is London like? Look for answers in these books. We suggest starting your trip to London with the classics - as after all, the streets of...

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07.12.2020 | 2746

Zoom Manors, palaces and castles of Małopolska. Where time has stood still

Idyllic, charming, noble and awe-inspiring. When in Małopolska, it is worth visiting the local manors, palaces and castles. It is a great...

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04.12.2020 | 3604

Dossier Rzym na weekend – Trastevere

Co kryje stolica Włoch? Ta cicha dzielnica, niegdyś zamieszkana przez biedotę, dzisiaj jest sercem artystycznego Rzymu. Tutaj można poczuć...

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28.11.2020 | 6594

Photo Warsaw. The city of lights and shadows

Warsaw can captivate you at any time of the day. When the sun goes down, the city seduces you with the flickering lights of buildings, street...

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13.11.2020 | 5670

Be my guest Paryż inny niż zwykle

Paryż to zawsze dobry pomysł – mawiała Audrey Hepburn. Trudno się z nią nie zgodzić – szczególnie teraz, gdy miasto otulają...

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10.11.2020 | 6226

Travel On a book journey – Paris

You can travel to the capital of France in the blink of an eye - just let your imagination run wild and choose a proper book that will be of a...

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30.10.2020 | 3823

Travel Bezpieczne podróżowanie

Koronawirus i podróże – czy można to połączyć? Oczywiście! By móc przemieszczać się bezpiecznie i bez stresu, warto pamiętać o...

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01.10.2020 | 3353

Be my guest In exceptional Podgórze

For many tourists, Kraków is primarily associated with the Market Square, Wawel or Kazimierz. A pity, as the magic of this city goes much...

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02.09.2020 | 7197

Photo KRAKÓW. A magical walk

The capital of Małopolska is famous for its unique atmosphere. The best way to see it? Get lost among the multitude of cafés, antique shops...

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31.08.2020 | 3415

Travel Wizzair – Say yes to flying

Wizz Air, the leading low-cost carrier in Central and Eastern Europe and the greenest airline, announced the reopening of all bases in Poland...

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26.08.2020 | 4130

Travel Ryanair – Keep Europe Flying And Healthy

From July 1, 2020, Ryanair resumed flights on almost 200 routes from and to Poland. Ticket prices start from PLN 89. The latest available...

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21.08.2020 | 6146

Travel KLM

With the opening of borders and lifting the ban on passenger flights, airlines are gradually resuming operations, especially in Europe. After...

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12.08.2020 | 6505

Travel Lufthansa #WeCare

The Lufthansa Group has published a flight schedule valid until October 24. Due to the lifting of travel restrictions and the related increase...

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07.08.2020 | 4778

Travel #LOTonHoliday and more

July 3, 2020, LOT announced a summer flight schedule. In July and August, passengers will be able to go on vacation to 36 of the most popular...

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05.08.2020 | 3465

Travel Air France

On July 3, 2020, a new Air France flight connection was officially inaugurated in Kraków. The new line was opened with a water...

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31.07.2020 | 5458

Airport Flash Jesteśmy gotowi

W Kraków Airport priorytetem od zawsze był i pozostanie komfort, ale przede wszystkim bezpieczeństwo i zdrowie naszych pasażerów. Dlatego...

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06.07.2020 | 7006

Be my guest Montmartre. On the hill of artists

The capital of France has various faces, and each of its twenty districts is different. The sixth is Sorbonne whose streets are overrun with...

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02.07.2020 | 8048

Photo Lockdown

Zamknięcie w połowie marca granic i wprowadzenie stanu zagrożenia epidemicznego, poskutkowało całkowitym wstrzymaniem komercyjnych...

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07.05.2020 | 2579

Photo Tromsø – Light of the north

Located behind the Arctic Circle, Norwegian Tromsø was the starting point for many polar expeditions. Currently, tourists, travellers and...

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06.03.2020 | 4378

Be my guest Podgorica. The Montenegrin mosaic

Montenegro, located in the Balkans, is the perfect place to visit at any time of the year. This diverse country is worth slowly exploring every...

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21.02.2020 | 8202

Dossier GLASGOW. Green city by the river Clyde

Once a small fishing village, today one of the most impressive port centres. In 2019, the European Commission recognized Glasgow as the most...

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24.01.2020 | 10745

Travel Be active in France

The Eiffel Tower, Bordeaux vineyards or the French Riviera from a bicycle perspective? Sounds like a dream come true, and these are just some of ...

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17.01.2020 | 3745

Zoom Kraków Nativity Cribs by Kraków Master Craftsmen

The region, Małopolska (Lesser Poland), has many traditions. One of the most beautiful which has been promoted for many years is the...

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09.01.2020 | 7103

Be my guest CATANIA and PALERMO. On the Island of the sun

"To have seen Italy without having seen Sicily is not to have seen Italy at all, for Sicily is the clue to everything" wrote Johann Wolfgang von ...

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06.01.2020 | 8472

Travel 12 New Year challenges

The New Year is an opportunity to make plans and set new challenges. If you're missing ideas below, you'll find some hints in the spirit of...

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30.12.2019 | 3100

Zoom Along Zakopianka road

Popular Zakopianka road is a 102 km section of the road connecting the capital of Małopolska with Podhale region and the Tatra Mountains. It is ...

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02.01.2020 | 5232

Photo Kraków – city that attracts

The capital of Małopolska successfully cherishes the rich Polish tradition, while constantly looking to the future. A stay in Kraków is an...

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26.12.2019 | 7179


In Sweden, the further north, the colder it gets. If you plan to visit these areas, prepare for low temperatures. However, regardless of the...

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19.12.2019 | 6228

Dossier AMSTERDAM. Styl i charyzma

You can spend long weeks in Amsterdam and every day enjoy a plethora of attractions that await you. The Dutch capital has everything that both...

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10.12.2019 | 3741

Dossier Fall in Love with France

What comes to mind when you think France? Elegant fashion, the best wines, art and culture. The country with tricolour flag has much more to...

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22.11.2019 | 9320

Be my guest KHARKIV. Discover the potential of the east

Eastern Ukraine hides one of the largest cities in the country with about 1.5 million inhabitants, that is the main centre of the...

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18.11.2019 | 10343

Zoom Conquer the Crown of the North

Although this trail is less known, it is certainly worth discovering, as it has traces of the past, regional cuisine, beautiful landscapes and...

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07.11.2019 | 3539

Hot spot BARI & Apulia. Wakacje jak z filmu

„Dokąd mnie zabierasz? Zabieram cię do Bari, kochanie” – te słowa z kultowej włoskiej komedii „Polvere di Stelle” z lat 70....

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05.11.2019 | 7345

Photo NEW YORK. Discovering America

A plan for the Big Apple? A picnic on the grass with a view of Manhattan, a ferry to Staten Island, a ride to Top of the Rock, a walk over the...

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18.10.2019 | 3932

Hot spot DONCASTER– the city of Robin Hood

Its history goes far back into the past – it is enough to mention that this is where the border of the Roman Empire ran. Today, Doncaster is a ...

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10.10.2019 | 9036

Dossier LISBON. A city painted with the sun

Full of colours and glamour, the Portuguese capital can be visited numerous times, as it never gets boring. The cordiality of the citizens...

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04.10.2019 | 5068

Zoom A trip with a Devil and an Angel

The region of Babia Góra, Sucha Beskidzka, and Podbabiogórze is the area where a Devil and an Angel clash with each other. The former is...

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01.10.2019 | 3535

Hot spot CYPRUS. Visiting Aphrodite

One of the largest islands in the Mediterranean located much closer to Asia Minor than Europe. Thanks to its warm, mild climate and delicious...

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26.09.2019 | 7899

Hot spot Canarian happiness

Imagine volcanic islands located between Europe and Africa, with spring and summer temperatures prevailing throughout the year. Where...

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20.09.2019 | 6156

Travel #KRKtravelchallenge with WIZZ part 3

Have you already taken up the challenge? If not - nothing to worry about. We have prepared for you another inspitation set. It is worth...

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10.09.2019 | 3458

Hot spot REYKJAVIK. Fascinating North.

The capital of Iceland is much more than beautiful nature. Founded in the 9th century by a Norwegian Viking, Reykjavik also offers an...

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05.09.2019 | 5017

Dossier GDAŃSK. The city of Neptune

Local initiatives, revitalized spaces and development projects have given the city a new face. Today, hardly anyone comes to Gdańsk just to...

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30.08.2019 | 5070

Be my guest Discovering BERLIN

Berlin is more than just Alexanderplatz and the Brandenburg Gate. Although both of these attractions are worth seeing, you can also discover the ...

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23.08.2019 | 4379


A true kingdom of colours, music and flavours. This amazing country in west-north Africa is full of fascinating stories and unique...

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16.08.2019 | 3462

Be my guest SZCZECIN. The city of many faces.

Nazywany „Paryżem Północy” ze względu na charakterystyczny gwiaździsty układ ulic i placów. Położony u ujścia rzeki Odry, Szczecin ...

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08.08.2019 | 8112

Be my guest Kutaisi. Dreams of the Golden Fleece

W mitologii greckiej Kolchida, historyczna kraina zajmująca obecny obszar Gruzji, stanowiła cel wyprawy Jazona po złote runo. Ślady dawnych...

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02.08.2019 | 9555

Airport Flash Konkurs #KRKtravelchallenge

#KRKtravelchallenge w Kraków Airport trwa – 33 nowe letnie połączenia, nowe miejsca, nowe emocje. Czas na...

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01.08.2019 | 5536

Photo Georgia. Secrets of the Caucasus

Located on the border of Europe and Asia, the country stunns with the beauty of nature and charms with hospitality. In a relatively small area,...

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25.07.2019 | 3645

Zoom A trail smelling of herbs

Cultivated for centuries, herbs have been used both for preparing traditional dishes and in unconventional medicine. Tourist trails, such as the ...

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12.07.2019 | 4824

Hot spot ANTALYA. More than beaches

One of the most famous resorts of the Turkish Riviera has a lot to offer. Sunny weather, golden and extensive beaches as well as access to the...

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08.07.2019 | 8532

Be my guest GENEVA & BASEL. All that noise

If you want to fall in love with Geneva, you just have to delve into its rich history and get to know the bustling districts. In Basel, the...

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28.06.2019 | 12276

Dossier ODESSA – the pearl of the Black See

It is said that it is a place where the sun always shines! Odessa, an incredible Black Sea resort that impresses with sandy beaches and...

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18.06.2019 | 9082

Travel #KRKtravelchallenge part 2

Dziś kolejna porcja wyzwań w ramach #KRKtravelchallenge. Mamy nadzieję, że zainspirują one do dalszych poszukiwań. Pamiętajcie, że...

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31.05.2019 | 3183

Hot spot DUBROVNIK & ZADAR. Beauty of Dalmatia.

Dubrovnik, one of the greatest places in the world, is annually visited by over one million tourists. Zadar, sometimes called “small Croatian...

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24.05.2019 | 8255

Travel #KRKtravelchallenge with WIZZ part 1

Are you looking for an idea for a city break or a longer trip? Maybe you would like to try something new? An unknow place or rather a new...

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17.05.2019 | 3244

Zoom Flavours and traditions of the Lemkos, Lendians and Pogorzans

The regional cuisine incorporates not only flavours of local dishes, but also a note of history and mix of customs and cultures. Let us embark...

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09.05.2019 | 9450

Travel #KRKtravelchallenge in the north

You can kayak through the city or the sea. On a bike, you can cover over 200 kilometres and visit small islands. Ice-skating on a frozen lake...

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07.05.2019 | 4323

Photo Australia. Animal kingdom

Contrary to what one may think, not all animals in Sydney in Australia will try to kill you – some will even let you pet...

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26.04.2019 | 4182

Dossier NICE. A dream weekend

Imagine the slowly setting sun which plunges into azure blue sea and illuminates charming buildings of the old town and blue and white umbrellas ...

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30.04.2019 | 4930

Be my guest City break in the North

Weekend trips to European cities, also known as city breaks, are becoming more and more popular. Only two or three hours of travel is enough to...

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16.04.2019 | 4778

Dossier OLSZTYN. A city surrounded by greenery

Regional cuisine, the biggest City Forest in Europe and pearls of the Neo-gothic architecture. Or maybe regatta in the city centre on Ukiel Lake ...

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25.04.2019 | 6119

Be my guest BUKARESZT – miasto kontrastów

Bukareszt bywa nazywany „Paryżem Wschodu”, a czasami „Bramą na Wschód”. Określenia te pasują do niego perfekcyjnie, gdyż łączą...

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03.04.2019 | 7750

Zoom The European Capital of Gastronomy Culture

The European Gastronomic Academy awarded Kraków the title of the European Capital of Gastronomy Culture for the first time in history. This...

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21.03.2019 | 4284

Photo New Zealand. A country of long, white cloud.

Aotearoa, because that's what New Zealand is called, means in a local Maori language, "a country of long, white cloud." Picturesqueness and...

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08.03.2019 | 7602

Be my guest TEL AVIV. The joy of living on the Spring Hill.

Tel Aviv is a young, vibrant city. It is modern, open, tolerant; on the one hand very secular, while on the other, religious and...

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25.02.2019 | 8609

Hot spot Lake Michigan. Between metropolis and nature

The Great Lakes are a group of five lakes located on the border of the USA and Canada. They consist of Lakes Superior, Huron, Erie, Ontario, and ...

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23.02.2019 | 22559

Hot spot MELBOURNE. The best city to live in

This city seems to have everything a heart desires, from towering skyscrapers, green areas and parks, to an exceptionally attractive coast. Not...

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08.02.2019 | 5700

Be my guest A walk through LONDON

After a few years of living in London, we have come to a conclusion that it would take a lifetime to get to know this city. We especially like...

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25.01.2019 | 4945

Travel Italy with a family

Italy is a great place for a family trip, as a short flight will certainly not be too bothersome. What is more, you can count on seeing...

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23.01.2019 | 4521

Be my guest Lviv. Between the East and the West

Lviv is changing, blossoming, and emanating beauty. Not without a reason was it included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. In my opinion, this...

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18.01.2019 | 5320

Travel Active Italy

All of the Italian cities offer various possibilities for being active all year round. At the seaside, you can choose from the wide range of...

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12.01.2019 | 4124

Travel GO Italia! What? Where? When?

It is worth visiting Italy at any time of the year. We have prepared the choice of events in different Italian locations, just to inspire...

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05.01.2019 | 3674

Be my guest Moje miasto kreatywne. Tam po prostu chce się żyć.

Mam wrażenie, że to warunki atmosferyczne wpływają na kreatywność mieszkańców Walencji, bo tam po prostu chce się...

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29.12.2018 | 3929

Zoom 7 most interesting pistes in Małopolska

Famous for its numerous ski resorts and lifts, Małopolska is also attractive due to it’s a great number of pistes for cross-country skiers....

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27.12.2018 | 11288

Dossier Bordeaux – francuski weekend

Bordeaux to niezwykłe miasto, w którym minione wieki mieszają się z teraźniejszością. Z murów gotyckiej katedry w kilka chwil...

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09.04.2019 | 5725

Photo ANTARCTICA. Ice desert

Antarctica, seemingly a land of white and cold, can enchant with thousands of shades of blue and turquoise. One of the interesting places is the ...

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22.12.2018 | 7480

Dossier Turin. Mole Antonelliana, skiing and hot chocolate

Who of us, even if not a die-hard football fan, has not heard the names Juventus or Torino FC? Apart from football clubs, you probably know the...

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17.12.2018 | 6139

Travel Italy, but where to? Take a short quiz and find out.

Find out which of the Italian cities best suits your current expectations. Are you a beach person? Or maybe you prefer long, hiking trips in...

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07.12.2018 | 4818

Travel An idea to spend your Italian vacation

You have just taken a short quiz, where we encouraged you to firstly think about the way you like to wind down. We hope that our tips will help...

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07.12.2018 | 3321

Travel 10 times Italy

Although Italy is associated first and foremost with the beginning of European history and well-known monuments such as the Coliseum and the...

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07.12.2018 | 5439

Hot spot Canada – 4400 km in 4 days

Canada is the second largest country in the world right after Russia, and that is why an idea to do a tour around this country in a week seems...

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24.11.2018 | 6693

Dossier Bradford – a film city with a taste of curry

When visiting the picturesque Yorkshire County in the north-east of England, you cannot forget about Bradford – a city with interesting...

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14.12.2018 | 7815

Dossier Amman. Welcome to the white capital of Jordan

Amman architecture lacks the wealth of forms and colours that are characteristic features of the Orient. It is often called the white city, as...

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12.11.2018 | 22148

Be my guest Eilat. The Israeli version of perfect holiday

When planning a trip to Israel, people usually want to see Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. It is also worth visiting Eilat, a city with access to the...

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05.11.2018 | 6424

Zoom Trekking. Expectations are rising

Małopolska is a true paradise for trekking fans. On the map of the region, you can find many popular trails that are worth checking out....

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27.10.2018 | 3268

Photo Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu is located at 2400 m above sea level, which means that it is often sunk in the clouds. And that was exactly the weather we...

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20.10.2018 | 5109

Hot spot Kuala Lumpur. Where modernity meets tradition

Kuala Lumpur is a place where Western modernity intertwines with Asian tradition and culture. This city has a lot to offer to both people...

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27.09.2018 | 5462

Photo MADAGASKAR. Red island

Madagascar is a "red island" inhabited by the ricefarming Malagasy. Their lives have changed little since the times described by Arkady Fiedler...

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16.09.2018 | 7739

Be my guest New York, New York

Welcome to the city that never sleeps, and that I call home. New York City will keep your senses engaged any time of day or night with endless...

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05.09.2018 | 5715

Dossier Eindhoven – the city that gave us light

When you say "a light bulb", the name that immediately comes to your mind is "Thomas Edison". Meanwhile, electric lighting experienced greatest...

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08.11.2018 | 14369

Zoom Water map of Małopolska

The Vistula and its extensive tributaries, lakes and reservoirs form an attractive water map of Małopolska, with at least a dozen places worth...

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19.08.2018 | 6250

Be my guest Seville – flamenco and orange blossom

Seville is… almost an ideal city. Its citizens like to joke that to achieve zenith of happiness they would only need access to the sea. This...

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17.08.2018 | 7421

Dossier To Dubai and further…

Dubai is a great airline hub, from which you can fly to Asia, Africa and the...

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12.09.2018 | 4165

Dossier Naples and Milan – two cities, two sides of Italy

Naples and Milan connected by Autostrada del Sole. This one sentence expresses more than you can imagine. It is difficult to find two more...

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13.08.2018 | 13271

Dossier Dubai with a family

It would not be an exaggeration to say that Dubai is like a big playground, which is why the city is an ideal holiday spot for families....

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21.08.2018 | 6294


What and when is happening in Dubai? We have prepared a city's calendar where there is no time for boredom - for those seeking entertainment,...

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06.10.2018 | 3850

Dossier Dubai challenges

Dubai Fitness Challenge. The goal is to encourage residents of Dubai and tourists to be active for at least 30 minutes every day during the span ...

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07.08.2018 | 4986

Photo Faces of Provence

Provence is a place of many facets and offers a truly unique blend of three totally different identities: the Mediterranean Sea, Camargue and...

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02.09.2018 | 3570

Zoom With head in the clouds

The thing that was and unattainable desire for our ancestors can today be fulfilled in many different...

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27.07.2018 | 7011

Be my guest Athens – contemporary and vibrant

Athens is most often associated with a city that is rich in numerous ancient monuments. However, the capital of Greece is more than that as it...

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10.07.2018 | 7918

Dossier Creative cities. Cities of Gastronomy.

Among 180 creative cities of UNESCO network, 26 are the cities of Gastronomy. #flyKRK and visit not that obvious seafood...

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03.07.2018 | 3275

Hot spot Paradise of colours and spices

It is a place of fine, powder-like sand, paradise beaches, clear blue water, and the scent of cloves and cinnamon in the air. Discover the...

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02.07.2018 | 4940

Dossier Creative Cities. Media Art Cities.

180 agglomerations from over 70 countries – this is the UNESCO Creative Cities Networ. Today we would like to invite you to visit Media Arts...

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29.06.2018 | 3805

Dossier Creative Cities. Cities of Literature.

Kraków joined the UNESCO Creative Cities Network in 2014 as the City of Literature. #fly KRK and visit other creative cities, where literature ...

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26.06.2018 | 3654

Dossier Creative Cities. Cities of Design.

180 agglomerations from over 70 countries – this is the UNESCO Creative Cities Network. We invite you for a creative journey where DESIGN is...

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15.06.2018 | 4192

Dossier Creative Cities. Cities of Film.

Film, cinema and the best festivals... #flyKRK and visit creative Cities of Film, which belong to the UNESCO...

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22.06.2018 | 3418

Dossier Creative Cities. Cities of Music.

180 agglomerations from over 70 countries – this is the UNESCO Creative Cities Network. #flyKRKR and find out which cities you should visit,...

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19.06.2018 | 4051

Dossier The Dodecanese Archipelago – the secret of the Greek islands

Greece is one of the most popular holiday destinations, with Rhodes, Kos and Karpathos being some of the best known locations. However, the...

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08.06.2018 | 11169

Dossier Malta. A country for sun lovers

Malta is an island country that can boast numerous monuments, interesting history, and perfect weather. According to International Living...

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29.05.2018 | 6684

Photo White and blue Santorini

Santorini - in Ewa Kudłaty photographs this Greek paradise is full of antique peacefulness and pure...

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06.05.2018 | 7267

Hot spot Japan – between Tokyo and Osaka

With its status as the main political, cultural and entertainment centre of Japan, Tokyo is one of the country’s most famous agglomerations....

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02.05.2018 | 5817

Dossier Chania – the Minoan pearl of Crete

Chania is synonymous with perfect Mediterranean climate, clear sky, and blue seawater. The city captivates with its calm and relaxed atmosphere, ...

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30.04.2018 | 7585

Be my guest Budapest – a city for everyone

Hungary is a country usually associated with sun, wine and holiday at Lake Balaton. The thing that draws Poles to this country, apart from the...

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24.04.2018 | 9972

Zoom (Not only) Kraków for runners

Running is gaining more and more enthusiasts in Poland. How come? Every day, parks are full of joggers, and running events enjoy unflagging...

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27.04.2018 | 4633

Photo Bird’s-eye view

While flying his moto-paraglider, Bartłomiej Cichoń explores pristine places accessible only by few. Kraków's Nowa Huta in his photographs...

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20.04.2018 | 4957

Hot spot Brazil. Holidays in paradise.

Rainforest, the monumental statue of Christ the Redeemer, Rio carnival and football are probably the most stereotypical symbols of Brazil....

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20.03.2018 | 4206

Dossier Dubai – a city of dreams and luxury

A wonderful city of the future that is surrounded on one side by the waters of the Persian Gulf, and on the other by the hot sands of the Rub'...

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09.04.2018 | 16518

Photo Dubai – city of fog and sand

Dubai – a city full of contrasts, which, although associated with glamor and splendour, still remains a hazy, wild, and almost undiscovered...

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27.02.2018 | 5203

Be my guest Václav Havel: his Prague

Václav Havel was born in 1936 in Prague, a hometown he dedicated his life to, where he attended school, worked and finally served as head of...

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20.02.2018 | 7136

Be my guest Stockholm – fika, nature and water

My love for Scandinavian design, coffee, “The Six Bullerby Children”, and… elks, influenced my decision to movie to Sweden. From the very...

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13.02.2018 | 5679

Zoom Ski slopes in Małopolska

Both near Kraków and in other parts of Małopolska, there are many professional ski slopes where you can successfully practice winter sports....

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09.02.2018 | 6836

Dossier Kiev – the city of golden domes

The political upheavals of recent years have changed the perception of Kiev, which is now a city primarily associated with fight for democracy....

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02.03.2018 | 27984

Hot spot Destination: Cape Town

Located between the Indian and Atlantic Oceans, Cape Town – the oldest city in South Africa – is a perfect travel destination for the...

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26.01.2018 | 7947

Photo Polanscapes – the richness of lanscapes

The pictures taken by Polandscapes duo, whose aim is to document the beauty of Poland, present the most beautiful landscapes of The High...

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02.02.2018 | 4552

Dossier Manchester – the capital of diversity

An ancient Roman fort, the world's largest textile industry, rich rock'n'roll history, records in the field of science and technology, and 25...

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22.01.2018 | 7533

Be my guest YSL: A Frenchman in Marrakesh

We owe him the feminine tuxedo, the Mondrian dress and the iconic fragrance "Opium". Although, the French fashion designer was inspired by art,...

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11.12.2017 | 8084

Dossier Nuremberg – a metropolis reborn

The European city of contrasts, that, at the same time, terrifies with its dark history and impresses with richness of culture. It was here that ...

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08.01.2018 | 8921

Be my guest Lisbon trail of Fernando Pessoa

Although we know just a few facts about the life of this famous Portuguese writer, his workpieces speak for their author, and Lisbon, his...

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06.11.2017 | 7259

Zoom Christmas decorations – the trail of artistic craft

Christmas is time of honouring the tradition with twelve dishes and one additional tableware on the table placed for a stray wanderer, as well...

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16.12.2017 | 4776

Photo Space Odyssey

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is not only a space flight programme that allowed humanity to set their feet on the...

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20.11.2017 | 3530

Zoom Lime trail

Autumn is a great time to visit the most beautiful places in Poland. Surely, strollers, families with children, and fans of active holidays who...

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17.11.2017 | 3999

Dossier Birmingham – the capital of British rock

If asked about the UK’s most musical city, most people would promptly say Liverpool, the city where the Beatles started their carrier....

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13.11.2017 | 10328

Hot spot Chengdu – the city of pandas

China is one of the most densely populated and biggest countries in the world, and therefore it is difficult to choose one place that it is...

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23.10.2017 | 6259

Dossier Venice full of dark secrets

It is probably the most remarkable city in Europe that attracts thousands of tourists. This historical metropolis, listed as a UNESCO world...

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24.10.2017 | 11163

Dossier Marseille. The city of fiction and history

The second largest city in France, also known as The Gate to the Mediterranean, is a must-see place for tourists visiting the country of wine...

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10.10.2017 | 10887

Dossier Between the see and the mountains – Pescara

On the one side of Pescara you can find long beaches spread along the Adriatic, whereas on the other, national parks preserving the beauty of...

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09.10.2017 | 12205

Photo Nanga Parbat, 1985

The photographs show an expedition to Nanga Parbat from 1985, organized by Alpine Club in Kraków, led by Paweł...

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28.08.2017 | 7687

Zoom Liquid gold in Małopolska

When visiting Małopolska Honeyland, you can try the finest flavours of honey and uncover secrets behind the creation of this unique gift of...

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28.08.2017 | 3454

Be my guest The traces of Wim Wenders in Düsseldorf

 “Wings of Desire”, “Buena Vista Social Club” or “Pina”. A three-time-Oscar-nominee, a laureate of the Palme d'Or in Cannes...

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28.08.2017 | 4922

Hot spot At world’s end

We invite you on a trip to the farthest reaches of Europe – starting from the Lofoten archipelago, through Tromsø and up to the North...

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28.08.2017 | 3631

Photo From the Atlantic to the Persian Gulf

The featured photos come from “From the Atlantic to the Persian Gulf” series that was created during trips to Portugal, Hungary, Georgia,...

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28.06.2017 | 3978

Zoom On the wooden architecture route

Elegant villas, unique heritage parks, and historic churches – wooden architecture from Małopolska never fails to impress with its...

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27.06.2017 | 4163

Hot spot Discover Kazakhstan!

Kazakhstan – a country of true beauty and size – has still not been included on the list of the most popular destination spots. This might...

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27.06.2017 | 8646

Be my guest Chicago in the rhythm of The Smashing Pumpkins

Located in Illinois, Chicago has a remarkable musical tradition from blues clubs in the 30s and 40s, through a developed dance and house scene...

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25.06.2017 | 5283

Dossier Lourdes, the city of miracles

It is a place where spiritual fervour intertwines with the pleasures of the body – good cuisine, wine, sport and wellness centres. All of this ...

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24.06.2017 | 9440

Be my guest Tel Aviv from Etgar Keret’s novels

This multicultural and bustling metropolis is the background for most of his short stories, including story of his own life. How does Etgar...

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28.04.2017 | 4385

Zoom Easter in Małopolska

Ester is one of the most important days in the Christian calendar, celebrated all around the world. Despite the passage of time and modern...

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27.04.2017 | 4503

Hot spot Hawaii – the heavenly state

Hawaii and Alaska are the only two states that are not directly connected with the rest of the USA. The Archipelago in the Pacific Ocean is...

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27.04.2017 | 5365

Photo The Amazon Jungle

The Amazon Jungle is a haven for those who are ready to give up comfortable civilizational habits. Its rivers are often the main means of...

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27.04.2017 | 5389

Dossier The many faces of Porto

A city of many faces. Historical facades interweave with modern interventions, art installations, and memorabilia of the industrial age. What...

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24.04.2017 | 6188

Photo Lifepackers

Next to Thamel, the bustling tourist centre of Kathmandu, one can find a mural showing a couple of working elderly people dressed in traditional ...

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28.02.2017 | 4880

Zoom On the trail of Małopolska’s mineral waters

When planning a trip to Małopolska, it is worth following… water. This region treasures underneath the ground precious mineral...

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28.02.2017 | 4377

Hot spot Bangkok – an exotic spot within reach

It may seem that planning a distant trip requires a lot of effort and logistics skills. Not at all! By using convenient connections from...

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28.02.2017 | 4089

Be my guest Totò in Naples

From the works of Totò’s, who was one of the most talented Italian actors and the embodiment of Naples, we can learn how strong an influence...

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24.02.2017 | 5904

Dossier Belfast. A cruise through the pages of history

There is something symbolic about Belfast, which for many years was divided and ripped apart by tumultuous conflicts and marked by a disaster in ...

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24.02.2017 | 6207