The northern Italian land seduces with picturesque lakes and forests, rocky alpine peaks and vineyards spread out on the hills slopes. It is full of the relics of the past – historical settlements, fortified castles and former monasteries. The capital of the region, Turin, is a gem culture, as well as a city of business and sport.

Piazza San Carlo (St. Charles’ Square), formerly Piazza Reale (Royal Square), with the visible Chiesa di San Carlo Borromeo (Church of St. Charles) Borromeo), on the right, and Chiesa di Santa Cristina (Church of Saint Christina), on the left.

Being in Turin, you must definitely visit the Caffè Torino at St. Charles’ Square. It was founded in 1704, what makes it the oldest café in the world. Some believe that it was here that the famous Bicerin was served for the first time.

Sculptures on the façade of the Baroque Roman Catholic church of St. Christina in Turin.

Marcin Kilarski

a photographer with a passion for this field of art. He has been photographing for about nine years and is constantly changing his view, evolving in the frame. She loves people and their emotions in photos - unique moments kept forever.