Kraków Airport with extended ACI Airport Health Accreditation

Airports Council International World has extended the ACI Airport Health Accreditation for Kraków Airport for another year.

New rules formulated around the COVID-19 pandemic, developed by international organisations such as ICAO, EASA and ACI, 
have been covered in this programme.  The accreditation concerns mainly the adopted cleaning technology and the scope of disinfection, application of social distancing rules, health and safety of airport staff, the method of communicating sanitary rules and other facilities for passengers e.g. sanitizers available at the terminal.



The accreditation was preceded by a special audit, and the successful completion of the accreditation process is a clear sign for passengers, carriers, employees and airport users that the administrator of the airport has a coordinated approach to caring for their health and minimizing the risk of contracting COVID-19.

Accreditation granted to airports by Airports Council International is preceded by an analysis of implemented safety solutions. It is a confirmation, but also an incentive for maintaining high safety standards for the health of passengers and airport users.