Małopolska Regional Operational Programme for 2007 – 2013
The Małopolska Regional Operational Programme for 2007 – 2013 was one of 16 Regional Operational Programmes implemented in each province. It combined the guidelines of the National Strategic Reference Framework and the needs and aspirations of the residents resulting from the specificity and internal potential of the Małopolska province.
The project, implemented by the company Międzynarodowy Port Lotniczy im. Jana Pawła II Kraków-Balice sp. z o.o., became part of Priority 5: Kraków Metropolitan Area (Action 5.3.: Development of Integrated Metropolitan Transport) of the Małopolska Regional Operational Programme 2007-2013. Its primary objective was to strengthen the position of the Kraków Metropolitan Area on the European scene. The development of the Kraków Metropolitan Area (KOM) is one of the most important factors in increasing the competitiveness of the Małopolska region.
In order to allow easy access to the KOM and thus enable social and economic development of the area, Kraków Airport carried out a project involving the construction of an internal transport system for the airport. The project included the construction of an enclosed structure for a railway station, a pedestrian footbridge connecting the railway station and a multi–storey car park with the passenger terminal, as well as thorough reconstruction and extension of the system of pavements and roads. Three-fourths of funding for the project came from the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund.
For more information about the Małopolska Regional Operational Programme please visit: