Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment 2014 – 2020:


On 21 December 2018, the  company Międzynarodowy Port Lotniczy im. Jana Pawła II Kraków-Balice sp. z o.o. entered into an agreement with the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFOŚiGW) for the co-funding by NFOŚiGW of project POIS.01.02.00-00-0013/18 under the name: Improving energy efficiency by replacing lighting in Kraków Airport car parks with energy-efficient LED lighting.

Source of funding: an interest-free repayable loan granted by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management under Action 1.2 Promoting energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources in enterprises, Priority Axis I Decarbonisation of the economy, Infrastructure and Environment Operational Programme 2014-2020.

Total cost of project implementation: PLN 340,322.55 
Maximum amount of eligible expenditures: PLN 264,675.00 
Amount of funding: PLN 198,506.24

Following a tendering procedure, a contract was concluded on 9 April 2019 for the supply and replacement of lighting fixtures, the execution of which was completed on 7 June 2019.  

The subject of the project was the replacement of lighting fixtures in outdoor lighting installations in an open-air car park, and the installation of energy-saving LED type lighting in a multi-storey indoor garage.

The main objective of the project was to optimise electricity management and increase energy efficiency. Improvement of energy efficiency will have a positive impact on the environment and will contribute to savings by Kraków Airport, thereby increasing the company’s competitiveness and the competitiveness of the economy. An additional objective of the project was to promote an environment-centred image of the enterprise, as a company that cares about sustainable development with respect for the environment. The undertaken measures will result in reduced consumption of final and primary energy, reduced greenhouse gas emissions and savings in electricity and heat. The estimated energy effect in the form of reduced electricity consumption for car park lighting is 425.36 MWh/year, which accounts for about 60% of the previous consumption of electricity for lighting purposes in the installations in question.

The estimated reduction in CO2 emissions into the atmosphere can be 339.44 Mg/year. Another environmental outcome of the project will be the elimination from the market of about 1,400 pieces of gas fluorescent lamps containing mercury vapours.


The operator of the Infrastructure and Environment Operational Programme has put in place a mechanism to identify potential irregularities or fraud in the use of EU funds under the 2014-2020 Infrastructure and Environment Operational Programme - an IT tool for reporting possible irregularities or fraud via the e-mail address: naduzycia.POIS@mir.gov.pl or a special form available on: http://www.pois.gov.pl/nieprawidlowosci.

For more information about the Infrastructure and Environment Operational Programme please visit: www.pois.gov.pl.