Po letniej przerwie na ligowe boiska powracają polscy ampfutboliści – w dniach 31 sierpnia i 1 września na stadionie Prądniczanki Kraków...
Nie masz jeszcze pomysłu gdzie się wybrać w nowym roku? Każdy pretekst jest dobry - koncert, wystawa a może Dzień...
Co warto zobaczyć i gdzie pojechać w okresie jesienno - zimowym. Paryż, Warszawa, Bruksela czy...
Theatre, music, multimedia - you can't miss it! The cultural second half of the summer promises to be very interesting in Europe... Athens,...
Kierunek? KULTURA! Wystawy, wydarzenia - co warto zobaczyć, czego nie można przeoczyć. #flyKRK Paryż, Berlin, Amsterdam, Monte...
Th exhibition “A New Beginning. Modernism in the Second Polish Republic” includes roughly 500 exhibits ranging from works of art to...
Przez ostatnie lata krakowscy studenci zakosztowali jedynie namiastki swojego największego święta. Po prawie 3-letniej przerwie, Juwenalia...
Kraków is an excellent place for a weekend escapade, especially if you like following the trail of cultural events. As every year, spring...
Święto kultury, technologii i nauki na 100. urodziny Stanisława...
21 maja odbędzie się w Krakowie 17. edycja Nocy Muzeów. W tym roku zostanie zorganizowana w innej formule. Ze względu na ograniczenia...
Już w najbliższy weekend, po raz 11, zapraszamy na wydarzenie 7@nite Synagogi Nocą, które w tym roku odbędzie się w wersji hybrydowej -...
W 2021 roku przypada 100lecie urodzin Stanisława Lema. Krakowskie teatry już teraz przygotowały dla widzów 2 ciekawe...
"Visible and invisible" is the motto of this year's festival. The invited guests, together with the panel participants, will reflect on how...
BE A TOURIST IN YOUR CITY – VISIT KRAKOW is an initiative which invites to rediscover the city. Sightseeing routes are updated specially for...
From classics, through contemporary to theatrical performances. These are the various premieres and events that the Kraków theatre scene has in ...
Wiesław Dymny was a versatile artist who smoothly combined the cabaret, theatre, film, music, literature and visual arts. He was one of the...
The oldest film festival in Poland, which combines the achievements of professional animation artists, students as well as independent...
The eleventh edition of the annual literary festival of Joseph Conrad focuses on the subject of "Literature and Realities". During the festival...
The music presented at Sacrum Profanum is the result of innumerable cultural interactions, collisions, conflicts and rebellion. The festival...
Take up the challenge and feel the spirit of the royal city. Remember – Kraków is all about the atmosphere that makes you come for more. Let...
Zdynia – a small village in the Beskid Niski – hosts annually the festival of Lemkos culture. The three-day program includes concerts,...
The street theater will visit Kraków for the 32nd time. The hosts of the festival attractions will become the most beautiful, well-known...
The largest jazz festival in Poland organized in 1996 is a guarantee of exceptional musical experience. A parade of Polish stars and a legend of ...
Na innowacyjny start nigdy nie jest za późno – takie hasło przyświeca tegorocznej 9. już edycji Małopolskiego Festiwalu Innowacji,...
An exceptional exhibition devoted to the life and work of the outstanding Polish director. The exhibition at the National Museum in Kraków is...
The upcoming 8th Miłosz Festival will, as always, refer with its title to the work of its eminent patron. “The Seizure of Power” is the...
A captivating music-film showcase. The festival is first and foremost famous for simultaneous productions, the so-called film live in concert...
Już po raz szesnasty uczestnicy Krakowskiego Półmaratonu Marzanny symbolicznie pożegnają zimę, topiąc Marzannę, a następnie rozpoczną...
Przed nami ostatnie dwa weekendy, podczas których można wziąć udział w Paradzie gazdowskiej. Parada gazdowska i kumoterska, wyścigi...
Artyści Teatru Narodowego Operetki Kijowskiej zabiorą widzów w podróż po najpiękniejszych historiach miłosnych światowej operetki i...
For the ffteenth time, at noon on the last day of the year, crowds of runners will appear in the Old Town in Kraków. Participants can compete...
Traditional pastorals, Christmas songs from all around the world and the most beautiful Polish carols will resonate through Kraków on the frst...
Travenalia is an event for all the people fascinated by distant countries, exotic travels, extreme sports or simply - exploring the world and...
Conrad Festival is a weeklong event for all lovers of the written...
Regional flavors, culinary discoveries, oriental spices and aromatic infusions... This is Najedzeni Fest! Festival, whose fourth edition will be ...
What did the life of citizens in Kraków look like at the turn of the 20th century? This question will be answered by “Kraków...
The charismatic artist will present songs from her latest album "Malinowa ...", which features 14 premiere songs, including a duet with Piotr...
The Sacrum Profanum Festival starts in two weeks. A unique spectacle was prepared for the finale of the 16th edition of the festival – an...
This is the last weekend to enjoy a truly idyllic atmosphere. The event has been promoting European folk art as well as artistic and traditional ...
During weekends in August and September, Vineyards of the Małopolska Wine Route is open for connoisseurs of this noble beverage. It is not only ...
Street Art. International Festival of Street Theatres is one of the oldest events of this type in Europe. The Festival will introduce various...
The 22nd Kraków Opera Summer Festival will be inaugurated with “Don Pasquale” by G. Donizetti. The programme includes, among others, the...
Jazz lovers will have an unforgettable experience this year: more than 150 concerts, Jazz Night and New Orleans Sunday. The festival will...
The 28th edition of the Jewish Culture Festival, which has become a regular event in the city’s cultural calendar, will be extremely...
This performance is an amazing combination of dance, folk music, and visual...
During Holly Week, churches in Kraków will be filled with the most outstanding Renaissance and Baroque music pieces performed by European...
The exhibition commemorates Franciszek Wyspiański – a Cracovian sculptor and the father of Stanisław Wyspiański. It is a general...
The exhibition presents the entire collection of Stanisław Wyspiański’s works gathered by the Museum – about 900 works of this artist,...
Opera Rara is an opera festival presenting various aspects of opera, which has been held in Kraków since 2009. The program includes the most...
This year, four scenes in four different locations will appear in the...
The tradition of Krakowskie szopki (Kraków nativity scene) dates back to the second half of the 19th century. Richly decorated constructions...
The Christmas atmosphere can be already felt in Kraków thanks to the Christmas fair in the Main Market...
”Lady with an Ermine” by Leonardo da Vinci is one of the most valuable paintings in Polish...
The exhibition encourages visitors to raise questions about Polish history, civilizational heritage, the importance of national culture and its...
The International Biennale of Architecture is a periodic event taking place in Kraków since 1985. The motto of 2017 International Biennale of...
“Norma”, the masterpiece composed by Vincenzo Bellini, is considered “the perfect...